Milestone Items
1.5k User Milestone (V-Crew)
100k Milestone (USB Hoodie)
1K Members Milestone (Guardian Static)
250k Milestone (City Scape)
25k Milestone (Charge Up!)
400k Milestone (Fozzy Slippers)
50k Milestone (Headset)
750k Milestone (Dreamkeeper)
Alpha 10k Milestone (Poop!)
Alpha 5k Milestone (Boob or Dood?)
NPC Plushie
Frizz Set x2
Static Set
Big Bang
Braids Soft and Silky
Dad Fashion
Easter 2k18
Easter 2k19
Flags of the Nations
Heart Bubble (V-Day 2k18)
Lucky St. Paddy 2k18
Mom Fashion
Mommy's Little Monster
Papa's Lil Angel
Queen of Hearts
Seafloor Fashionista
Skullie Background
Skullie Belt
Skullie Boots
Skullie Head
Skullie Helmet
Skullie Top
Soulmate Strings (V-Day 2k18)
Survivor Crafted Armor
Survivor Crafted Gloves
Survivor Crafted Pants
Survivor Water Canister
Trick's Victory
V-Day 2k19
Vregory Boots
Vregory Hair
Vregory Top
Vregory's Friends
Thank you for taking the time to check out my items!