A family long time loved friend has passed away. As soon as I got the news it hit me very heavy. I could not believe it. I told my husband about the news and then I burst into tears. We all cried and hugged. We burnt some sage and said prayers for his journey. We said the great stories we had together with him. We sent out our love to him. This news is very difficult for my husband. They were friends many years. My husband has had a difficult time because his mother and father passed and this all reminds him of how easily life can change.
How do you help someone who is very sad from having a love one pass away?
How do you deal with death?
How do you explain death to a child?
rip Popa Bear
I will never forget the prayers we shared in the dance circle. Your bear medicine will be kept in my heart forever. Thank you for that tight hug you gave me on Thursday. If I would of known I would of held on tighter. I would of told you how much you have inspired me. Like you always said "pokos pero lokos!"