ugh they don't deliver in my neighborhood AAAHHH whyyy
დ დ დ დ დ
Oooo nice
Get those groceries straight to your house! >:)
Get those groceries straight to your house! >:)
დ დ დ დ დ
the salt and pepper is out of stock
how can this be????
mdom, your neighborhood sucks
honestly I probably shouldn't be online grocery shopping. I haven't left my house like all week
how can this be????
mdom, your neighborhood sucks
honestly I probably shouldn't be online grocery shopping. I haven't left my house like all week
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დ დ დ დ დ
?? Are they hoarding it all???
Ahaha you are social distancing like a pro! >:)
Ahaha you are social distancing like a pro! >:)
დ დ დ დ დ
get other condiments!
can't believe I'm gonna have to leave the house =//// expose my parents to outside viruses again
can't believe I'm gonna have to leave the house =//// expose my parents to outside viruses again
but I need to stop sitting on my bed!
the grocery store is literally across the street haha
I think I decided I would try to make one new recipe and I think I needed pepper for that xD
where are you going?
the grocery store is literally across the street haha
I think I decided I would try to make one new recipe and I think I needed pepper for that xD
where are you going?
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დ დ დ დ დ
xD Then walk across the street and buy a snack and then go back home! >:)
დ დ დ დ დ
yes maybe I'll place my order (or at least attempt to. it may fail)
and go to the one across the street and buy the pepper xD
and go to the one across the street and buy the pepper xD
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You can do it! It will work!!
Sounds like a good plan. ;)
Sounds like a good plan. ;)
დ დ დ დ დ
დ დ დ დ დ
Mmmm sounds yummy
I was hoping whatever you were having would be similar to something I have but nope lolol
Still on the debate for what I'm going to eat. xD
I was hoping whatever you were having would be similar to something I have but nope lolol
Still on the debate for what I'm going to eat. xD
დ დ დ დ დ
I am 2000 won away from free shipping
what else can I buy
curse this pepper!!!
oh yeah I just have frozen dumplings in the freezer
tell your dad to DIY some masks
what else can I buy
curse this pepper!!!
oh yeah I just have frozen dumplings in the freezer
tell your dad to DIY some masks
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დ დ დ დ დ
snacks!!! (idk what is 2000 won price wise lol)
How are they out of pepper tho omg :(
Mmm still sounds yumm ythough.
How are they out of pepper tho omg :(
Mmm still sounds yumm ythough.
დ დ დ დ დ
it's about 2 USD haha a little less since the conversion is more like 1100 to 1
yeah I like them. I put some in the cart xD which is what brought me closer to the delivery amount. I didn't realize they had free delivery until I went to checkout. there's too much Korean on the page for me to read
yeah I like them. I put some in the cart xD which is what brought me closer to the delivery amount. I didn't realize they had free delivery until I went to checkout. there's too much Korean on the page for me to read
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დ დ დ დ დ
1 candy bar it is then xD
Ahaha must get that free delivery with what korean you can read!
Ahaha must get that free delivery with what korean you can read!
დ დ დ დ დ
I got peanut butter :d
they actually have an option for English which is just like google translating the site xD but I left it on Korean to practice my korean
I changed it to English to checkout though because it's more important xD
they actually have an option for English which is just like google translating the site xD but I left it on Korean to practice my korean
I changed it to English to checkout though because it's more important xD
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