Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/16 21:42:33 )
One of my favorites is "King's Cup."
The rules kind of vary depending on who you learn it from, but essentially there's a deck of cards in the middle of the table. On your turn you draw a card, each one has a different game/rule attached. Depending on how aggressive you want to play, you either take a drink or a shot of your choice of beverage.
I think these are the rules that I played with? It's been a while.
A- Waterfall
2- You, assign 2 drinks
3- Me, take a drink
4- Chick's drink
5- Never have I ever
6- Dudes drink
7- Heaven, raise your hands up, last person drinks
8- Mate, choose a mate for the game (you drink, they drink too)
9- Rhyme, pick a word and go around until they can't rhyme/repeat a word
10- Categories
J- Make a rule
Q- Questions, first person to say a non-question takes a drink
K- Social
If you drink, you get the card, whoever has the most cards wins. Yeah though, you can switch the rules, especially when it comes to 4 and 6. This one is really fun with large groups.