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Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/21 16:03:03 )
Sherlock: *takes papers and begins reading over them* Why Alice, these notes are just wonderful! I can’t wait to work with you, based on these notes I can tell you put great care and detail into your cases. And Watson please stop making your guest uncomfortable. Miss Alice I will do whatever I can to assure your comfort. And you don’t have to worry about me not liking you because its usually the other way around. For some ungodly reason people seem to hate me even after just one meeting. *he chuckles and thinks for a second* I seem to have quite a few off putting personality traits as I have been told.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/22 00:08:32 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Alice: Why thank you. i try to make it simple for other's to understand what's going on in the cases. Just a few unnecessary facts that shouldn't be said and the profiling should be more discreet not at all your traits. *she smiles and kinda studys him, feeling silly for thinking he's kinda cute.Her blush is really soft but there* Anyways Watson mind showing me where i'll be sleeping for the night? I've been on a plane for to many hours and im starting to get the lag.*she yawns softly and her body did seem worn at.She stands up from the other chair and picks up her bag.*

Watson: Im not trying to make her uncomfortable....*he sighs* actually i wouldn't know the room where sherlock is thinking of to put you. he'd have to show you alice. *she looks at sherlock abit quiet now and unsure if she should ask or just wait for him to notice.*

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 06:17:37 )
Sherlock: * he zoned out for a few minutes not realizing the awkward silence* So, *he realizes no one has been talking* Ok so *he wrongs his hands* Miss Alice, you’ll be in the vacant room right next to ours I’m sure Mrs. Hudson wouldn’t mind it, as long as you’re not bringing men in and out of the room. *he cleared his throat* Alice you look quite tired now so if you don’t mind me helping you get settled in. I expect big things from you tomorrow on the case. * he smiles and offers his hand to carry her bags*

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 12:30:20 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Alice: *she nods and gave a concerned look when he said bringing men in and out.* It's not like im going to do to do that,im pretty sure ms.hudson would steal them before they got to the door.*She smiles as she said this jokingly and watson chuckled. She hands Sherlock her bag*thank you and i hope i exceed your expectations.*She smiles more and hugs watson before following sherlock to her room.* And Sherlock, please just call me Alice. it be better if we were more comfortable saying each others names not titles. * she kinda teases him

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 15:28:01 )
Sherlock: Mrs. Hudson is quite the catch, and sorry about implying you would bring men to the house. Sometimes I say things before I realize I’m saying them. *Sherlock takes her bags and heads to the empty room next to theirs* So M- *Sherlock stops and thinks* Alice this is where you’ll be staying for as long as you need to. I will need to talk to Mrs. Hudson of course but I’m sure she’ll be glad that there’s another woman in this building. *Sherlock looks through the room as if to check for anything leftover from the previous owners* I wouldn’t want to scare you but not to long ago these rooms were filled with assassins sent after me, but we should be fine now, *Sherlock clears his throat, bends over and picks up a empty bullet shell* Now, *He drops her bags gently in the middle* this room is free of the past and ready for a new owner, better than the past one by far. *he would smile as he said this looking Alice in the eyes*

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 16:40:28 )
@Midnight Asmodo:
Alice: * she noticed the bullet shell but smiles. * I do the same most of the time, but thank you. I can talk to her myself actually to properly introduce myself and ask her. That honestly doesn't scare me and i hope that i'll be better than the last. *her eyes were a deep blue and green mix with lays of bronze in them. * Your smile looks nice on you, sherlock. * She looked at the room thinking for a moment but seems content.she moves her bag to the side and opens it. it's not filled with clothing more of things to do, thinking as She pulls out a book, and pen. * I'll see you in the morning Sherlock. *she didnt keep eye contact long for her blush is deep and longing to stay.*

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 18:09:54 )
Sherlock: I know you will be better than the last Alice. I’m sure Mrs. Hudson would love to meet you. Goodnight Alice sleep well. *he stands at the doorway debating wether to go or not* Your smile looks nice on you to. *he leaves but on the way out says* So does that blush *Sherlock goes to Watson in their room* Watson, I think this woman is different. She’s not like the other people who try to help us on our cases. She is detailed and precise and... *Sherlock stops and thinks about The Woman* Does she know the risk she’s taking working with us? That she could get kidnapped or shot at a moments notice?

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 18:18:10 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Alice:*she grins and nods at him.* good night. *she does her nightly stuff like figuring out more about the case*

watson: *looks up* she's more than well aware of it, she's looking forward to dealing with us and the dangers to come at the moments notice. She's very different compared to a sane women, she's got a mind set of your own sherlock.* He stands up and stretches slightly.* I'll see you in the morning sherlock dont stay up to late. we've got a crime scene to see early in the morning. *He cleans up the tea cups and such and heads to bed.* *the next morning?*

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 19:55:56 )
*the next morning*
Sherlock: *he yawns as he gets out of bed* Look at the time! *Sherlock runs to wake the other two up but stops* What if they’re tired, we did stay up quite late and Alice has jet lag so maybe I’ll just wait in the lobby. *Sherlock checks on the various experiments in the fridge* All good, except that one, I’ll clean up later. *he paces around the living room throwing his gun in the air and catching it* Mrs. Hudson told me not to put anymore holes in the walls so I can’t to that. What to do what to do. *he stops and thinks* I could make some tea for us, but would it be cold by the time they woke up? Never mind I’ll just wait *besides being anxious for the exiting new case Sherlock waits for the rest of the crew to wake up *

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 20:10:21 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Alice:* heard the shuffling around from her room. she was making her hair look nice as always and grinned as she slipped her shoes on. She was in a nice sweater and jeans as she stepped out her room feeling her slash bag on her and her tennis shoes. She headed over to the living room seeing Sherlock smiling more to herself.* Morning Sherlock. Morning Watson.*watson walked in behind her.* Are we all ready to go? Also Sherlock you may want to look in a mirror your hair has a cow lick.* She may have winked at him but her actions were abit quick and she headed downstairs with watson to the door.*

Watson:*yawns and nods* Yeah...just give me a moment to catch my shoes and put them on.


Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 20:19:34 )
Sherlock: *he runs to a mirror* I though I got that down *he splashed some water on his hair combing the pit down with his hands* That’s better, right? *he turns to Alice mentioning to his head* Does it look any better M’lady? *He smiles teasing Alice* Watson hurry up we need to get down to the station they’re waiting for the local genius to arrive *he pauses* local geniuses *Sherlock nods toward Alice*

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 20:26:35 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Watson:*he slips on his shoes* Okay im ready and hey what am i the local moron? *he can tell Sherlock and Alice may like each other all ready.*

Alice :*blushing slightly* Yes much better and there's a taxi waiting for us.* she smiles and wont answer watsons question but she clearly was going to say yes. She goes outside and gets in the taxi waiting for them. she's well more than ready considering other factors.Watson was abit slow this morning.* *at the station there was a set up for this murder.*

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 20:35:35 )
Sherlock: *he hops in the taxi next to Alice* Thank you for telling me about my cowlick I think Watson would have let me go out looking like that and god forbid the press get a picture of me in that condition. *he laughs a little* So Watson told me you knew the dangers of working with us but I wanted to make sure. The others who have worked with us all ended up.. dead. I don’t know if you knew that but I’m assuming you did because you are that smart. *he looks down* well now that that is out of the way. Watson! Please hurry the ya I won’t wait forever you know.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 20:58:47 )
@Midnight Asmodo:
Alice: god forbid the press finds out im here...your place would be surrounded. * she smiles* I know of it all and thats actually why i came here.I'll be the lucky one to live past the dangers.*she winks at him as watson gets in* Anyways the police will have drinks for us when we get there if you like your morning tea.

watson:*nods as the taxi drives them to the station*

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/23 21:46:32 )
Sherlock: lets go then Alice, and Watson. *they arrive at the station and Sherlock rushes out of the vehicle turning around to help Alice out* In we go. *sherlock heads inside opening the door for Alice letting Watson open the door for himself* Hello everyone! *sherlock walks in getting stared down by the officers he passes*

DI Lestrade: Sherlock what have we told you about busting through the doors. He’s with me! *lestrade tells the new officers* So you guys are here about the murder?

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/24 00:18:07 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Alice: *feeling abit special smiles more and follows behind watson.* Thank you Sherlock and yes sir we are.* she gives this welcoming smile that throws anyone off to trust her.*

Watson:*grumbling as he opens the doors for himself feeling like alice is getting treated better.*

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/24 03:00:29 )
Sherlock: Watson stop grumbling we don’t want to hear it. Alice, are you ready to start your first case with us, I hope you will enjoy it. Lestrade, please tell us what happened.

DI Lestrade: first of all I’d like to welcome you, Miss Alice I believe I heard from Watson. Now onto the murder, it was a singer who was murdered. He was named Joe Thompson stage name Hometown Joe. The opening night of his big debut around 150-200 people were there. Just as the show was about to start there was a gunshot and Joe went down. The doors were shut and everyone is a suspect to the murder of Joe.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/24 03:05:51 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

Alice:* smiling* Thank you and i am. * she pulls out her little notepad studying the words and the officers body language to understand how it was done.* Well then.....*she mumbles writing down a list of people to check considering she liked the music of Hometown joe. She listens to the DI as he speaks keeping mental note of other things. Her mind is a barn house of Libraries.*

Watson:* listens and nods. he noticed alice notting down information. **he is concerned on how quickly her mind got her attached to figuring this out.*

Voltie — She her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/24 03:13:29 )
Sherlock: ok Lestrade, is there anything else. Any more details that could help the case moving forward?

DI Lestrade: Yes actually, I have a list
1. Joe once paid his escort to accompany him to a wedding the escort *he checks his notes* tried to fool around but he wasn’t interested
2. Last week the manager lost his gun so any of the regulars could have gotten that gun
3. A reporter was following Joe for a story and found out he was in a relationship with someone who was married.
That’s all we have at the moment but we still have some people to question so we may come up with some new info as we go

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/24 03:21:01 )
@Midnight Asmodo:

ALice: * Alice just being a smarty pants and sassy.* Number three and two are false actually...i check those out yesterday...and number one the escort....thomas vindle, he's gone off grids for some trip but is in town today for a few hours.*she grins looking up from her personal notes.* But you should already know that if you got my email from the last day or so.

Watson:* stares at Sherlock.* She's good....*he's regretting having her here.She's outsherlocking sherlock and faster too.*

Alice: I can check out Thomas as sherlock and watson check out the top five regulars.*she rips a page off from her notebook with five different names with side notes on them and hands it to sherlock.* Expect number two and five to run. They have a bad history with police and other agentics. *she is smiling the entire time and becoming even considerable excited.*

Come join me at my lil

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