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Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 08:30:47 )
@boss rimi: yeah the caramel apple one was surprising xD everything I've seen lately is pumpkin spice but I've never tasted it lmao
ah I just don't want to buy anymore? I'd like my childhood sweets to stay good in my mind aha
I've tried other things I enjoyed as kids and now I'm just...what is this, it tastes so artificial and bad
mmm I think instead of my sweet tooth disappearing, it's being more picky? like I want good tasting sweets xD

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 08:32:45 )
@chai: wait it does? I did not know that...maybe that's why I miss notifications too lmao
omg right? computers and stuff are way too expensive now to only be lasting a few years :/
oh yeah a lot of apps randomly crash on me which is annoying lmao

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 08:40:27 )
@ishoji: I haven't had any pumpkin spice flavored stuff either. I always hear it's good though.
Lol good idea. I had a hostess cupcake, the original chocolate ones a few months ago. It was good. On the sweet side but good.
The only childhood food I still eat is Gerber which is just like a baby foods brand. I eat the pudding, but the Banana one because that has always been my fave. I don't eat it often, but I do eat it on days like these where chewing food isn't exactly easy to do.
Hahahahha That's so me with like Childhood shows. I'll watch them and I just cringe so bad sometimes. xD
Well nothing wrong with wanting actual good sweets. ^^

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 08:47:15 )
@boss rimi: same so maybe this will be the year that I actually try xD or forget and have to remember to try next year aha
yeah kid's sweets tend to be super sweet and artificial tasting to me now so my mind just goes, why do you like this garbage //shot
oh interesting, I don't think I've had gerber things since I was a kid yeah xD I don't even remember eating it to be honest
but that makes sense, any food you dont have to chew when you have braces was always a plus (it was usually soup and mashed potatoes for me)
omg though I love childhood shows, well you know the old cartoons like rugrats and hey arnold
yeah when I hangout with my friends it's usually to try new desserts/cafes

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 08:55:14 )
@ishoji: Hahah Well you still have a few days. I don't know if Pumpkin spice stuff is gone once October ends or not.
Lmao! Yeah some of the sweets I used to eat as a kid when I try them now they just make me sick. D:
Gerber is pretty popular so maybe you had it at least once? Funny how I wasn't picky as a child, but as I got older I became picky. Like once I was around early teens I started getting picky about what food I ate. :/ Oh it's soup and gerber for me. Lots of soup though. I might have soup tomorrow since I didn't have any today.
Yaaass! The oldschool shows are the best like, The Wild Thornberry's, Rocko's Modern Life, Cat Dog. Those are great... I love Rugrats. Did you watch Rugrats: All Grown Up too?
D'aww that sounds like fun! One time, my friend and I went to this ice cream place where they made the ice cream with Hydrogen I think?

Donator — bun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:10:35 )
@ishoji: Yeah, or at least it does to me, ahah.
Yeah, it's like they do it on purpose to try to get more money from people. :c I just want a computer that will run art programs without crashing and I dont wanna spend $3498348539 on them!
Haha, what kind of phone do you have?

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:13:19 )
@boss rimi: we finished our event thread x3
I think pumpkin spice is a fall flavor so it should be up for a good while at least until the christmas flavors pop up
omg yes I can't even have more than one bit or sip with some of the junk food I used to eat as a kid
oh I know I've had gerber as a kid, but I think I was really young so I don't remember it at all xD
ah that's interesting, I was picky as a kid and then got less picky to some extent (depends on the food aha)
and oh yes soup is always good =w=b especially during the colder months
yes omg rugrats was one of my favorites and the wild thornberry's was great, wasn't too big a fan of cat dog and rocko's modern life though
oh cool how did that taste?

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:16:10 )
@chai: ah I haven't paid attention but I believe you xD
omg same x.x I just use my computer to relax and stuff
so why these things don't last more when I don't do much is ridiculous >:
I have an iphone 7 plus...because my mom insisted lmao

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:22:58 )
@ishoji: So up until December I guess? :)
Omg same. Like it's pretty interesting really. To think we liked certain things as kids.
But then again I guess it isn't since young kids love sugary foods and companies thrive on that. lol
Really, interesting. Do you have a favorite food?
Mmm, that's so true. Tomato soup, chicken noodle soup, ramen...all yummy.
I had fave characters in those first two cartoons. I miss those cartoons. D:
It was actually really good! :o Like, it was sweet, but mildly sweet and the umm...smoke or vapor...whatever you want to call it was still rising off the ice cream and it would puff out when you spoke. It was a neat experience.

Donator — bun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:24:14 )
@ishoji: It's what I've noticed at least, haha. like one minute I'll have 5 notifications and then they're gone, but someone had made a new thread. :o
Yeah, I love laptops since you can just lay down and scroll through the internet all day LMAO. I shouldn't have to pay so much money to be lazy. :I
Ah I have an iPhone as well! It's been acting really weird since they last update they released. :<

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:28:03 )
@boss rimi: that's what I'm thinking? hopefully when I next go out I can try some xD
you know what? it's probably because we didn't know better and our palates hadn't tasted real sweets yet LOL
ah I have lots of favorites when it comes to food, but I guess I could never get tired of bacon aha
what about you? do you have a specific favorite?
I miss them too >: sometimes I watch a marathon of them on netflix if they have it
oh that sounds so cool, I got to see if there's something like that near me xD

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:29:17 )
@chai: oh ok, I don't think I've lost notifications I already had though but a good heads up for me at least
omg I can't do that even with a laptop, I like sitting when I'm doing something on a computer or laptop xD
ugh I hate having to update but some of my mobile games refuse to work when there's an update because they made an update too...

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:31:55 )
@ishoji: Make a note somewhere so that you don't forget. :)
Right? That HAS to be it! We were like : This is all we got here. Lol
Bacon huh? Nice. ^^ I never had any actually, but I just don't like pork. Umm, I think if I had to choose it would be Lasagna. That stuff is just the bomb. <3
I didn't know that was on Netflix! o . o
You totally should! It wasn't even that pricey! I think I payed like $7 for mine?

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:42:19 )
@boss rimi: ah it's usually that I don't forget but that I am craving/wanting something else xD
yeah but also you made a good point about being a kid and just wanting sugar aha
oh have you tried turkey bacon at least then? and oh lasagna is yummy too
ah I know courage the cowardly dog and rugrats are on netflix, but idk about the others ><
and oh that's not bad, I usually pay around that price for the desserts I try

Donator — bun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:45:48 )
@ishoji: Yeah, it just clears the little number next to the notifications, not the notifications themselves...thankfully. otherwise I'd be SO lost ahaha.
Oh, really? :vanora_xd: I like sitting if I'm typing a lot, otherwise I want to be under 40 blankets and watching videos of cats
Same, haha. I'll delay updates for forever. Anytime I open the app store all my apps are like "heeeey, remember us? we're like....super old."

avi site survey

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:46:00 )
@ishoji: Ohhh okay that's understandable.
Yeah kids love their sugar. All the cavities. lol
You know, I wanted to. Because I love turkey. I got turkey ham which is awesome but I can't find turkey bacon. I looked for it today at the store and they didn't have any. Yasss, Lasagna is amazing. I just love pasta!
Omg Courage. That show was creepy, but I always loved watching it.
I don't go out much for deserts but sometimes some deserts here are like $10 for a slice of cheesecake. It's crazy. D:

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:56:44 )
@chai: oh ok that's good then xD I've just been hovering the threads I'm posting in so I don't miss anything cause I'd feel bad otherwise >:
oh are cats your favorite then? I tend to type a lot when I'm online so that might explain why I'm always seated xD
omg same, like the phone update I wait it out but app updates I stay on top of since well...I'm not sure why actually

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:58:15 )
@boss rimi: omg I had so much cavities as a kid...regrets on my part but oh well
what omg, did they run out or something? if there's bacon there's usually turkey bacon around .-.
oh pasta is so good...maybe I'll make some tomorrow lolol
and bruh I feel you, I hate horror and creepy shows but I loved that show xD
yeah desserts can be super pricey for no reason but I usually bite if I want to try it at least once aha

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 10:01:23 )
@ishoji: I had a lot of cavities too. Even had to get a root canal done. D: Oh well indeed.
I... I dunno. Every time I go, I look and I never see it. Unless I'm skimming over it without realizing.
Mmm sounds like a good idea. <3
There was one episode that really freaked me out. The one about that creepy guy who kept saying something like "Return the stone or forever be cursed"
Hahah That's how they get ya. Do you like cheesecake?

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me here if you wanna!

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 10:04:13 )
@boss rimi: oh gees >< the most I had to do were get a bunch of fillings
ah maybe? you can always ask an employee next time you go xD
hmmm I don't know if I can remember that episode
the only that really creeped me out was that dude who always smiled creepily
I like certain cheesecake, usually chocolate flavored xD
what about you?

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