Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

Lol I can agree to that as well xD
Oh god the puppy-eyes! and the big quivering lower lip! That combo kills my heart xD
Makes me melt and give in to the kids haha
oh lmao, that's life xD
Sounds like something that'd happen to me!
Oh no! :< butterfingers is a serious affliction! lol
I drop things often to, it gets pretty annoying! >n<;;
I'm just glad he's no longer staying awake until 7-8am. I used to cry my eyes out every time I saw the sun rise because I didn't get any sleep x.x;;
He's switching around a lot actually! some nights I can get him to go to bed around 9-10 and then there are times where he doesn't sleep til 4!
He's typically good about sleep the night through, well for a baby anyway! He'll wake up maybe once? Need a changing a feeding and then falls right back asleep ^^
I uhhhh I honestly have him sleep in bed with me >w<;;
It's easier when he's right next to me annnnnd I kinda spoiled myself with the endless nighttime snuggles lmao
When I do put him in his crib I find myself really upset when I wake up in the morning and he's not next to me x'D
Is always a prince.