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Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/20 04:01:23 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: That's really neat :0
Lol I can agree to that as well xD

Oh god the puppy-eyes! and the big quivering lower lip! That combo kills my heart xD
Makes me melt and give in to the kids haha

oh lmao, that's life xD
Sounds like something that'd happen to me!
Oh no! :< butterfingers is a serious affliction! lol
I drop things often to, it gets pretty annoying! >n<;;

I'm just glad he's no longer staying awake until 7-8am. I used to cry my eyes out every time I saw the sun rise because I didn't get any sleep x.x;;
He's switching around a lot actually! some nights I can get him to go to bed around 9-10 and then there are times where he doesn't sleep til 4!
He's typically good about sleep the night through, well for a baby anyway! He'll wake up maybe once? Need a changing a feeding and then falls right back asleep ^^

I uhhhh I honestly have him sleep in bed with me >w<;;
It's easier when he's right next to me annnnnd I kinda spoiled myself with the endless nighttime snuggles lmao
When I do put him in his crib I find myself really upset when I wake up in the morning and he's not next to me x'D

Is always a prince.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/20 19:28:20 )
@Keo: Another "fun" fact is that barbers would all so have side businesses in the construction of houses cause they could sell the hair they've chopped for it. *^*; It works but still a bit gross. X'D
I can't help it, honestly. I've always had lived in houses that needed updating so I'd like one that's new that I don't have to worry about.

Right?? And they sooo use it to their advantage. lmao

Yeah... RL likes to hit us hard. ;;>>
It really is! But like it feels like a warning. Like worse stuff happens right after I get a case of butterfingers. *^*;
Like kiddo is now home cause he's sick, we think it's an ear infection cause he says his ear hurts. So gotta keep him home a few days and see if he needs a doctor visit. We're also having to rush to finish filling in the basement from next door cause we were only given 24 hours. (They were nice enough to find my hubs and let him know AND even dropped of dirt for us) So I'm hoping this is the end of the bad luck.

I fully understand that! It's really hard to deal with lack of sleep.
But I'm glad he's sleeping better! Sounds like you're doing better because of it too.
Well, co-sleeping can help a lot of issues so I don't blame you. Plus, cuddles are great.
My kiddo hated co-sleeping, he likes his stretch room so I didn't get to enjoy that. lmao
He also took longer to sleep throughout the night though so had to enjoy sleep while I could. XD

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/20 22:50:34 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: oh god! That's pretty horrifying x.x;;
I can't imagine having my hair being stuffed into someone's walls! Or worse yet! some strangers hairs stuffed into my walls! Dx

oh no! That's awful!
I hope you LO feels better! ear infections hurt so much x.x;;

D: why only 24 hrs to fill in the basement? That seems like such a short amount of time!

That's understandable! Sleep as a parent is so precious lmao! Get it while you can!
My guy likes to stretch out to! I have a queen sized bed but somehow a 7 month old child can roll me all the way over to the edge! xD
He also gets really really cold in the middle of the night. He'll wake up crying because he's frozen lol
So he'll roll into me use my body heat to warm up and fall asleep pretty quickly =w=
Which is really nice ngl

Is always a prince.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/21 00:36:30 )
@Keo: Yep... That's why we replaced it. *^*;

Kiddo was given meds for it. Unfortunately, he got sick on the first dose so I dunno how well it'll work.
Cause the new code enforcer is a jerk apparently. (Talked to other friends, he was rude to them too)
Normally they would give us a few days of warning before giving us a write-up but not this new guy.
Hubs worked all afternoon until now filling in what he could with the dirt they dropped off. They'll be dropping off a second batch tomorrow.

Lmao Right? It's nice when you get to really rest.
XD Kids do that, it's like a super power.
Aw, that's cute!

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/21 02:13:46 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: Good call xD

awww poor baby ;m;
Antibiotics make me sick as well x.x;; I hate taking them tbh

Oof dang, that's annoying to deal with :T
Well hopefully you guys won't get to drained from having to do so much work in such a short amount of time! :0

Lmaoo! My nephew you stretch longways on a bed! Like sleep head-to-feet sideways across the pillows, would wake right up as soon as you tried to move him ahaha

Is always a prince.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/22 02:55:32 )
@Keo: Lol Yep.

He was misarable! He's doing better today, though. (And didn't get sick either)
I fully agree... The taste is nasty.

Yeah... The new enforcer gives me the creeps honestly...
Like he keeps driving by and it feels like a huge invasion of privacy. *^*;;
We managed to get one of hubs friends over to help.
And the guy who dumped the dirt load was nice enough to make sure it was in the hole so they just had to level it.

Lmao That's too funny!
Kiddo just looks at me when I move him but he sleeps like a cat so I tend to have to tuck him in tight. (odd poses/he's a liquid) XD

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/22 22:01:13 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: Aw well at least he's on the mend!
My LO got his 6mo shots yesterday and was rather cranky x.x;;
He slept a lot to

Ugh thats pretty rude! And I hate that D:<
The last place we lived in had an HOA and there would be people literally driving around to stare at peoples properties to report them to the front office >:T
Like??? you don't even work for the front office???? leave my property alone! bleh!!! mind your business! lmao
awww that's nice.The extra help is really nice to!
I'm sure it was still a lot of work though *3*;;

omg thats adorable!!!

Is always a prince.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/22 23:56:11 )
@Keo: Yep. I think we caught it soon enough so he's been able to get over it fast.
Aw, shots are not fun. Poor LO.
It really is. My hubs says he's going to tell them that since I feel so uncomfortable.
Oh man... That's awful! I don't understand why people are like that.
I mean, as long as the yard is okay and doesn't look like the house will fall over, leave peps alone.
It was! He had a bit more help today so he had gotten a lot done on the yard.
It is cause he still had to do a huge load with just the shovel.
But thanks to the dump dude, he didn't have to do it shovel ways a second time.
It hurts my back just looking at him honestly. XD
I think he learned the poses from Miss Kitty (the cat that adopted us/him mostly)
Like she follows him like a puppy. *^*

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/23 04:45:10 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: I'm glad he wasn't sick for to long :D

Hopefully he'll back off then! I can get why you are so uncomfortable with it!

It was honestly annoying. :T
I'm glad we don't live there anymore >w<

Awwww I hope he'll be able to get some rest soon!

Thats super cute ;0;
A boy and his cat!!! I love it!

Is always a prince.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/23 04:50:48 )
@Keo: Yeah, I think he'll be completely over it by tomorrow or monday. *^*
I can hope so!! It's weird seeing him drive by a dozen so times...
(It doesn't help that he gets to use the old police car since our town owns them any official here can use it)
Sounds so!! I wouldn't be able to handle that so I don't blame you. *^*;
He went to hang out with friends earlier so I think he'll be okay.
It really is! I love how sweet she is with him. She really helps calm him down. <3

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/25 17:18:30 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

Whoop! Sorry for disappearing! I've had a rough past few days x.x;;

I hope things got settled between that code guy who kept driving by your house! :0

How are things? :>

Is always a prince.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/25 23:17:59 )
@Keo: No worries! RL comes first. :)

Well, I haven't seen him driving by for a while so hopefully, he's off our backs. *^*;

Going alright! Kiddo went back to school today. The antibiotics worked great.
Turns out strep was going around too so he might have had that on top of an ear infection so I'm glad he's better.
Unfortunately, I caught the strep so I feel like cruddy atm but I'm showing signs of starting to get over it today. (thankfully) XD

How about you?

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/26 00:02:37 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: Oh that's good to hear!

Oh and that's even better to hear! Glad your kid is feeling better :D

OH NO! That's bad to hear! lol
I hope you feel better! Strep is awful x.x;;

Bleeehhhh I'm exhausted! One last week before the kids go back to school and its been a scramble trying to figure out what to do and how to do it x.x;;

Started a really heavy "spring cleaning" of my closet. I had so much junk shoved in there x.x;;
Had to sort through all my clothes and my kids clothes as well as any storage items I put in there. It's a walk-in closet. Not super large but large enough to cram-pack full of nonsense lmao
I needed more space in my room because when my baby grows the amount of stuff he has grows with him xD I feel so crowded in my own room.
I managed to throw out all I wanted to get rid of but now it's time to sort and find places for things I want to keep xD
whiiiiiiich is pretty much the hardest part of the cleaning imo.

Also decided to cut out coffee for 2 days to hopefully reset my caffeine clock. So that maybe it'll help me get to bed/asleep faster. I have to start a new schedule since I'll be the one helping the kids with the online schooling. Which is the same schedule as brick and mortar schooling.
So I've been managing with some pretty bad headaches x.x;;

Is always a prince.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/26 01:13:38 )
@Keo: Yeah, it's nice everything calming down.
Thanks, I took most of today to relax and sleep so I'm not doing as bad now.
+taking meds and gargling mouthwash has been helping a ton too. So I'm on the mend now. *^*

Oh goodness! Sounds like you've been super busy. *^*
Going through stuff is very hard to do... But I agree, finding room is way worse.
I hope you figure it all out!
(I still have to go through a ton of stuff in our storage area and I'm putting it off for a long while... ;;>>
Aw... Caffeine headaches are so hard to get rid off too. Added with early mornings makes it tougher.
I hope your headaches go away soon.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/26 17:19:38 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: Ok good! Glad that your taking care of yourself ^^
Hopefully you won't be sick for to long!

Thanks! :D
lmao I feel you on that! ngl I've been putting off clearing out my closet since my boy has been born *3*;;
It's nice now that it's done and i dont have to worry about it for a while =w=

I'm hoping so to! I've been limiting myself to 2 cups in the am. as soon as 12 pm rolls around I told myself no more coffee x.x;;
I'mma 4-6 cup a day kinda person ngl.
So now if i feel a headache I'd drink a soda or maybe some tea.

Is always a prince.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/26 19:22:34 )
@Keo: Well, I have too. I can't take care of other stuff if I can't take care of myself. *^*
Same here. I hate feeling like I swallowed sandpaper. XD

Not a problem.
It's hard to get started on it for me! There's not enough room to do it so after the paperwork on the house is fully done, I plan to take the storage unit so I have room to do it all... XD But I'm sure it's much better and less worrisome now that you got it done for sure. I just keep putting doing mine off for a while. lol

Yeah... That's the worse part! I decreased my coffee intake a while back and I just tend to miss the flavor so I drink a cup or two when I want it. I still drink a bunch of tea but not the same. If you can handle matcha powder, some in a drink can help with the caffeine need without the jitters btw~ It was super helpful when I decreased mine. Just a pinch or two is all that's needed.

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/26 21:25:46 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: Omg that's a good and accurate analogy! lol
How has your day been so far???

hahaha! I feel you on that. Waiting until you have room will make things easier! I waited until I didn't have any room left lmao

oooh! That's a smart idea :0
I'll have to look online for some matcha powder!
Tea is definitely not the same as coffee :<
Though it does seem nicer to end the day with a cup of tea >w<

Is always a prince.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/27 00:21:47 )
@Keo: Lol It really is, isn't it... I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't pointed that out. XD
It's been okay. Still feeling crappy but I had enough energy to do a few things today so less I got to worry about.
How about you?

I'm hoping so anyway! Cause I know in the end, I'll be the one going through it all. XD
Lmao Oh no! That makes it's so much more difficult.
That's honestly my issue at the moment, no space to pull stuff out to do it. *^*;;

It definitely makes a difference at least. Amazon has some decent options, it's where I got mine.
One of my favorites has an option with matcha right in it (Genmaicha- rice/popcorn tea)
Beantown Tea has sample sizes and I got a list of ones I wanna try. lol
Yeah, the flavor is waaay different but they both are really tasty.
I fully agree there! I gotta have a warm cup of tea before bed. XD

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/27 01:36:53 )
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: That's good! The getting some things done part, not the feeling crappy part lol

Blehhhh my day has been alright. Decided a few days ago to start calorie counting and exersizing again x.x;;
I have a treadmill but the Floridian heat is beyond brutal. I almost lost my cookies after only 20 min on it. We have it on the back porch so it isn't air conditioned x.x;;

Other than that, my headaches today weren't so bad! The kids were well behaved ^^
Nothing really crazy happened today :>

Oooh! Amazon it is then!
I've never heard of Beantown Tea! Are they a good brand :0

Is always a prince.
I'm gone babyyyyyyy~~~
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DV // TH // Lasria
....Sry I don't do discord....

Voltie — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/08/27 02:09:16 )
@Keo: Lol I figured. XD

Yeah, I understand that! (Used to live in Louisiana by the gulf)
Maybe something you could do in the ac would be better. Like yoga. XD
That's good, so does that mean you got to chill for a bit?
I'm glad your headache wasn't so bad today, though I hope it goes away soon cause it sucks when they linger.

Lol I actually just found the Beantown brand the other day when I was looking for new loose leaf teas to try!
So I don't know how good it is myself, the reviews are very high though so I'm hopeful that they'll be as good as they sound.
Plus they add extra samples with your orders and if you order 5 or more you get a discount too.
And for under $3 per sample to have a few cup fulls is worth trying. Not to mention the sample sets with filters look great and for $10 is worth trying too. *^* I plan on begging for some from hubs soonish, cause I had to use my bday cash for house goods so I get to be a brat for a min. Lmao
Please ping!! I'm a busy mom and tend to get lost~

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