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Forums Hangouts faerie's graveyard - (get spooky)

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 08:19:32 )

~~ A place to chill, and talk about all things spooky, from high fantasy to the haunted house you went to as a kid. a safe place. make sure not to disturb the salt at the door.

You can lightly RP here, but mostly I want cool discussion of just the weird, and how mystified humanity is by the surreal

also hey if you recognize me from somewhere else, let me know!!! tracking down everyone is tough.

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 08:20:35 )
[one reserved post]

~~ open

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 08:54:44 )
@faerie graveyard: hellloooo your username is your hangout's name


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 08:56:16 )
@eleven: yes, its been a joke for a while
I am a person and also a place.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 09:01:45 )
@faerie graveyard: haha well nouns are good like that
what spooky things are you into


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 09:10:55 )
So I like reading a lot, so I'm a big fan of all the types of "occult" stuff writers make up and share with us. Garth Nix is a top favorite, his Old Kingdom books are both spooky (necromancy and exploring death), and heartwarming (loving family).
One of my favorite TV shows was Psych, though I'll admit it hasn't aged that well, at least some episodes. He's a pretend psychic, but its still fun and also explores how a psychic might, even subconsciously, look at the finer details to better understand what's going on.
I don't like Supernatural (TV) very much, but that's just sortof a personal preference thing.

In terms of real life spooky things, I'm interested in Tarot, but, I feel too much pressure to try doing my own Tarot readings. It feels like something I shouldn't take lightly and just mess around with.
I sortof think that energies of the past can still linger in a place and it can be good to greet and then tell them goodbye if you feel freaked out. Maybe its a spook, maybe you're spooking yourself, but I feel relief after doing it. haha! So I suppose I'm a little superstitious.

I also like reading history books that talk about spooky things in the past, like bog bodies and human sacrifice.

And sortof related sortof unrelated, my best friend irl is an apprentice mortician.

i like a bit of zesty spook in my life, but just a little. uwu

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 09:17:15 )
@faerie graveyard: I loveeee Psych. It was one of my favorite shows to watch haha
I never got into watching Supernatural, but I've heard of it

ahhh I don't know anything about tarot, but there's that one shop on here and I've been curious about getting a reading.

I'm not particularly superstitious but it's definitely easy to spook yourself


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 09:22:25 )
I love psych uwu I watch the entire series at least once a year because I am Big Psych-O.
Hyped for the new movie in April (fingers crossed it doesn't get delayed again).

I've gotten tarot readings before, and they have been eerily correct!! But, they were also done by someone who knows me well, so I assume she probably could link the parts of my life to the symbols directly (she even mentioned she thought it was related to ___, yknow?) So...I feel like it can be an introspective thing, but I also somewhat think its entertainment. I tend to believe in science at all times, but...Yeah, I spook myself out a lot. I'd rather NOT anger a spirit and end up cursed. lol


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 09:26:38 )
@faerie graveyard: oh I don't love it quite that much xD I just watched it once through. but new movie? O: that's exciting!!
the show I watch like once a year is Avatar the Last Airbender hahahaha

I've never gotten one before, but that's cool to know. yeah I think the people who read tarot do tend to have a good feel for people as well. that's part of the being able to do the readings and all. I also want to trust the science, but it's still fun and we never know. we don't know what we don't know


Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 09:27:55 )


okay, bedtime
See what conventions I'll be at next

Final Fantasy XV: Worst. Bachelor Party. EVER.

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 09:28:41 )
@eleven: Yup, there's a musical and a movie out, and there's another movie on the way.
I just...really like it. Its an easy watch, fun, some thrills, quirky, etc.

Intuition is a spooky and powerful force, *nods*

Also I realized this site is pretty new and wanted to see if I could just make my name faerie, and in fact, i can. and so I did.

@onsenmark: yes indeed hi <3 have a good night

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 09:30:51 )
@faerie: omg lol I was about to ask if you changed your username because it was only faerie in the ping notification. nice!

hmmm I couldn't remember if I'd watched the musical before but it sounds familiar. so I think I must have seen it.
yeah it's funny and that helps with the serial killers being less threatening


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 09:34:03 )
@eleven: nyaahaha. :D I thought it was taken when I registered but I was also tired and faerie graveyard or faerie satanic are the names I use everywhere else, so I may not have even tried.
some know me as monstahh`, but I'd kinda like to break free from that name as it no longer suits me at all.

I mean, not all of them are serial killers, but, I do have a soft spot for Yang.

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 09:36:15 )
@faerie: yeahhh sometimes you have to move on from usernames. my first username on Gaia was evil_samara and I just don't like that at all |D

yeah they didn't have a lot of serial killers in this series. mostly contained in an episode. Yang was the spookiest though. I was frightened at times, so the humor/tone of the show helped |D


Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 09:50:47 )
@eleven: my very first username on a site was Ryu_Sakura, and then I went by ChibiLady for a long time, but..I dunno. More than one thing happened that made me ditch that name. Some drama and I was relentlessly harassed for 6 months while the staff didn't do anything and tried to blame me for bring IRL drama online (I didn't know either of them IRL so I'm not sure how that worked, I even apologized when I realized my error but they wouldn't let it go and I stopped posting for months and then changed my name and Finally, FINALLY, I could post without getting a PM from a mod about a post I made that had nothing wrong, but a dozen people reported it. o_O Not sure how that didn't count as harassment. Bleh. Sorry, memories. I miss that name sorta but at the same time I know its also been taken by someone else in a few places. heh.

Yeah I really like spooky with a bit of humor. I don't really like gore, or body horror, but, it can be okay if there's some kind of resolution and not just senseless horror. D: Even watching Mushi-shi gave me the heebie jeebies for months afterwards!

Another show I really enjoy is The Chilling Tales of Sabrina, or whatever. Its good with a good amount of snark and some good gags and the horror is horror, but its not never ending.

I get spooked easily but I can accept some of it if there's logic to the world other than horror scare you shit-less. Scared just to be scared? Nah. I spend enough time spooking myself on accident, especially with a chaotic neutral cat at home. lol

Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 09:59:14 )
@faerie: haha I got over underscores in names, which is also why evil_samara would not fly anymore. that is a terrible story! I'm sorry that happened to you. it's crazy how blaming can get online and it's like a witch hunt.

I haven't heard of mushi-shi before. I'll look it up.

ohhh the Netflix Sabrina? I like that too! I'm all caught up on it and I'm glad it's continuing at least for season 2 (part 3?). I haven't looked too much into it, but I know there's more coming! waittt googling now tells me that part 3 is out. I need to watch that xD

haha what does your cat do?

and after love and loss and all the tears that I cried, I find that here we are in the future

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 12:49:43 )
@faerie: I thought that I'd poke my head in, so what kind of spooky things do you like?

Voltie — They/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 18:26:32 )
Hey Faerie! It's a me, Nova from Discord! The name was already taken here, so I had to go for my other name.

I read somewhere in your thread that your bestie is an apprentice mortician. Please tell me they like Six Feet Under! :P
I've always wanted to lift a large quadraped over my head

Donator — She/Her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/28 22:39:06 )
@Miika: even I like six feet under, I own the whold series.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Donator — they/them Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/02/29 09:56:00 )
@Miika: Hi Nova!!! great to see ya. :D

@Unicorn: Hm, I mentioned some a bit earlier. I'm low-key spooky, "lazy goth". I like spooky but not scary, I guess. haha

@eleven: Yeah I was really baffled by it.
In terms of usernames, I like simple, clean, lowercase, faux indie, gothy type stuff now. XD Sailor Moon was fun as a kid but now I am basically lazy goth.

Mushi-shi is amazing, but spooky and a little scary. D: I love it though...
Yeah, the netflix Sabrina. I really enjoyed it.
My cat is a wire chewer and in general a stalker. He is literally never out of eyesight unless like, we close a door and don't let him in, which he HATES. lol
His name is Basil! he's extremely fluffy.

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