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Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/2 18:47:22 )
@Jolly: Totally get it! It feels like such an accomplishment to drink enough water in a day.... When it should be standard lmfao :volkanxD:

Feels like it's so much more time and money to eat healthy in the US. Meal prep and planning usually falls through to the fast food, have a soda, and a dessert for cheap. It's a killer!

Alcohol is a tough one to kick. I started young, too. You get hooked hard. Never get into it, totally not worth how bad it makes you feel in the long run

Donator — They/Them Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/2 18:58:26 )
All I need is a fraction of your happy heart.

I'm usually really good with my soda intake but Dr. Pepper is my WEAKNESS. Last night my boyfriend surprised me with a 12 pack of the Dr. Pepper & Cream Soda. I'm thrilled and its delish but he keeps buying me Dr. Pepper to make me happy so I have three 12 packs in my room right now lmao

Good to know I have still have one every now and again.

All I need is You.

Donator — She/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/2 19:05:41 )

I don't drink coffee daily, usually just when I have to be up early.
I think coffee is more of a placebo for me, since I can drink a cup of coffee and then immediately go to sleep.
It's more about rewarding myself with something sweet and creamy for waking up early for work OTL

I'm not much of a soda drinker anymore. I've had three kidney stones, and when I was told dark soda is a big
contributor to them, I pretty much cut them cold turkey. Root beer was my favorite, back when I could have
it, and every once in a while I may sneak a sip from someone else's drink. When I do drink soda, I usually go for a
Sprite/Sierra Mist or ginger ale just to have something bubbly. I'm mainly a water drinker, now


Donator — He/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/2 19:12:22 )

Caffeine is definitely not the reason I don't drink soda ;v; All that sugar, especially with the vast majority being made of high fructose corn syrup and artificial colors and flavors. No thanks. I will, maybe a couple times a year, get a good quality soda if I can find one. I love the taste of cola and spicy ginger ale. In the meantime, if I want something fizzy (though I'm not super into fizzy drinks anyway), sparkling water will do just fine.

As for caffeine, I'm pretty sensitive to it so I don't think I have anything to worry about there. I never drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day as it is, and if/when I do drink soda, one is more than enough. I have had the rare energy drink, especially at previous jobs where they were accessible and I would need a boost to get through the day. I almost never buy them now, though, and try to find ones with more natural ingredients when I do.

edited to add: pic related


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