Does your house make any noises? Any explained sounds or spooky bumps in the night?
My house isn't very old, but isn't too new either, so it doesn't make very many "settling" sounds.
The floors creak in some places, but they only creak if they're stepped on in a certain way.
But there is a noise that happens downstairs, without much regularity. I don't know what it's from.
I've only ever heard it at night, when I'm alone, and it sounds like something ripping outside. But for way longer than a
ripping sound should last. Like tearing paper, but the noise is drawn out for several minutes.
Being the classic white girl in a horror movie, I always go to investigate it, but I've never found where it comes from.
It doesn't sound like it's inside the house, but if I go outside, the sound always stops.
So I don't believe it's...I dunno, a water heater or something that would regularly make noise.
Does your house make a similar sound to this?
Has any noise in your house ever been explained, or is it still a mystery?