Fancy banner of the future!!!
I have an art program (Krita) that I am trying to learn because my clip studio paint trial ran up finally after two years t.t
I can't afford to replace it and get the full thing yet, so I had an idea!!
I love drawing avatars! I'm gonna hold a contest!
I will post a contest theme for avatars to be made.
You will enter an avatar based on that theme.
I will choose a winner.
(Or I will have volunteer judges? That give scores out of ten?)
I will draw the winner right on stream so you can watch it happen live.
New contest!
Plan : one week to pull together an avatar, during this week I will stream coloring old arts. Possibly even ones I have given away free during events. So you may get a free upgrade!
All in the name of learning a new program and still practicing art!
Second week, my judges if I can get volunteers, or myself will rate and pick a winner and I will stream the art for the winner and set up a new theme
Third week. The cycle begins again!