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Yeah hopefully. D:
Like yeah its illegal, but they can say it is an attendance issue/bring up other issues they never brought up before just to make it justifiable. Or as my boss does, schedule you like 3 hours or not at all and just say there are no hours for you. (:(:(:
He shoulddd. He's arguing with me about it but I'm like 'I CAN'T AFFORD TO GET IT AND MISS WORK'. And he's missed 2 days so far and he can't really afford to miss work like that either. ID
Like yeah its illegal, but they can say it is an attendance issue/bring up other issues they never brought up before just to make it justifiable. Or as my boss does, schedule you like 3 hours or not at all and just say there are no hours for you. (:(:(:
He shoulddd. He's arguing with me about it but I'm like 'I CAN'T AFFORD TO GET IT AND MISS WORK'. And he's missed 2 days so far and he can't really afford to miss work like that either. ID
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