tak only comes on during work hours hahaha
time to make new friends to hermit with too--
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I have what, like 5ish years of being almost masa-less?
I need a lot of masa attention™ to make up for it :P
I have what, like 5ish years of being almost masa-less?
I need a lot of masa attention™ to make up for it :P
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ahhhh at least you both have the ability to be at home during all this!
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yeah. if i drove that's another story but both my coworkers take the public transit too 8'(
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Let masa work from home :(
I hear italy has a lot of cases too. ;(
I hear italy has a lot of cases too. ;(
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He probably didn't think it was possible for him to get it alkdjag
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He really should, especially with all the people he could contaminate!
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ahaha you're not killing threads i'm just debating what I want to do with the rest of my night xD
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Ahaha pls don't kill my thread xD
Ahhh I'm debating between drawing/crocheting/watching stuff/or doing a bit of organizing/cleaning. I just ate so I was hoping that'd help my decision making but it didn't really since i just want ice cream now haha
Ahhh I'm debating between drawing/crocheting/watching stuff/or doing a bit of organizing/cleaning. I just ate so I was hoping that'd help my decision making but it didn't really since i just want ice cream now haha
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It is my only thread it would be bad if it died haha
Yeah I should at least organize my shelves a bit to put my new standees up on them. >>
Then maybe I'll draw since I gotta start working on mothers day gifts and what not and I am a procrastinator lmao
And at least while drawing I can still chill on voltra a little bit.
Yeah I should at least organize my shelves a bit to put my new standees up on them. >>
Then maybe I'll draw since I gotta start working on mothers day gifts and what not and I am a procrastinator lmao
And at least while drawing I can still chill on voltra a little bit.
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:D Well feel free to stick around while you are on!
And I don't think I'm motivated enough to clean so I shall go straight to drawing lmao
I did put my standees up tho so at least I did 1 thing xD
And I don't think I'm motivated enough to clean so I shall go straight to drawing lmao
I did put my standees up tho so at least I did 1 thing xD
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