I know lmao and i've been good.
ohohoho it had to have been one of us in this thread xD
or I guess anyone who read it
it just was too close to us just talking about it to have been purely a coincidence!
or I guess anyone who read it
it just was too close to us just talking about it to have been purely a coincidence!
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probably should have waited until morning for better lighting????
anyway good night to me
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hahaha but there's a shadow creeping in from the bottom right corner so I can't center the picture |D
you changed your avatar again! you change often xD
you changed your avatar again! you change often xD
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დ დ დ დ დ
I didn’t even notice the shadow. ;o
Gotta change it fast so I can play with new color combos until I find one I’m happy with. lol
Gotta change it fast so I can play with new color combos until I find one I’m happy with. lol
დ დ დ დ დ
დ დ დ დ დ
There are not enough small items that layer here :(
There are not enough small items that layer here :(
დ დ დ დ დ
I cropped the shadow out xD you're seeing the edited instagram brightened one
your many monochrome avatars
your many monochrome avatars
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დ დ დ დ დ
Well it looks perfect. B)
Ahaha only monochrome for me
not enough options to layer lmao
Ahaha only monochrome for me
not enough options to layer lmao
დ დ დ დ დ
დ დ დ დ დ
u don't like what i'm wearing
too bad bc it is only lemon for me B)
u don't like what i'm wearing
too bad bc it is only lemon for me B)
დ დ დ დ დ
დ დ დ დ დ
I've only made a true monochrome avi in lemon
so not quite lolol
I've only made a true monochrome avi in lemon
so not quite lolol
დ დ დ დ დ
დ დ დ დ დ
True true
most of my avis are only two colors
bc idk how to incorporate a third lmao
My next avi has four colors and I'm stumped how to layer stuff to distribute the color
pls where are my ent leaves
most of my avis are only two colors
bc idk how to incorporate a third lmao
My next avi has four colors and I'm stumped how to layer stuff to distribute the color
pls where are my ent leaves
დ დ დ დ დ
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