@Kairie: Very true, lol.
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@Amber Lynne: Do you have any ideas for the hair colors? :D
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@Amber Lynne: Ooooh both of those sound interesting/fun to do! :D
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@Amber Lynne: Ooooh super exciting! Here's hoping you end up getting a lot of $$ comms. x3
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@Amber Lynne: You never know the right people could see you're open for comms!
But yeah with the pandemic going on I think a lot of artists are having trouble right now, especially those who use cons as income and those are cancelled. orzz
But yeah with the pandemic going on I think a lot of artists are having trouble right now, especially those who use cons as income and those are cancelled. orzz
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@Amber Lynne: Same, I feel so bad for those people who won't be able to make rent or buy food and what not. My boyfriend and I are extremely lucky we had some in savings to get us through the next few months if either of us are cut hours but I understand others are not so lucky. ID
And we only have it bc he is saving for a car so we're essentially taking from his car fund. ID
And we only have it bc he is saving for a car so we're essentially taking from his car fund. ID
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@Amber Lynne: Definitely. ID We had just been saving for 4 months now, and it's getting hard for us both to get to work on one car since I essentially could be scheduled anywhere from 8am-12am with no consistencies (before this pandemic), so that literally left only 12am-8am for him with possibly having to be late/go home early so I could get to work. IDD My boss refused to work with me at all even after his car was totaled and it's been a struggle, so to see it be set back is upsetting, but I do feel lucky we have that to fall back on.
1st world problems with only having one car I know. orzzzz
1st world problems with only having one car I know. orzzzz
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@Amber Lynne: Me: complains to the wrong person xD
Yeah transportation struggles aren't fun at all. ID
Yeah transportation struggles aren't fun at all. ID
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@Amber Lynne: I don't know about your area but I know BC was scary to drive. xD
But that could have also been me stressing about km over miles lol.
But also I am too afraid to take the bus bc idk how it works so I do envy you on knowing how/being able to take the bus. It would save me a lot of headache if I was confident enough to figure it out or had someone who could show me once lol.
But that could have also been me stressing about km over miles lol.
But also I am too afraid to take the bus bc idk how it works so I do envy you on knowing how/being able to take the bus. It would save me a lot of headache if I was confident enough to figure it out or had someone who could show me once lol.
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@Kairie: Google Maps is your best friend when it comes to busses, actually.
The bus system here has a connection to the maps so that we can get accurate times and distances.
Maybe you do too. It could help =)
The bus system here has a connection to the maps so that we can get accurate times and distances.
Maybe you do too. It could help =)
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays
Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me
Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me
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@Amber Lynne: o that part doesn't scare me too much
it's more of when i get on how do I pay and what if i do it wrong and hold everyone up/do not pay and get in trouble lolol
it's more of when i get on how do I pay and what if i do it wrong and hold everyone up/do not pay and get in trouble lolol
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