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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/22 01:36:38 )
@Kairie: The older generation wants to live, while our generation may face the end of the human race because of global warming. If we die now, better than burning later. (joking, obviously. xD ) But this is super true.

Same. Either over dramatic or the playing-cute-naive thing turns into them playing just plain stupid and I just can't.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/22 05:33:02 )
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@Lucifera: Honestly everyone at my work makes the joke that if one of us get it we all will get it and just die. We are all apparently ready to go. xDDD

Yeahhhhh. Pretty much all the big youtubers have turned out that way though. ID

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Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/22 07:34:01 )

Name: The commotivation messenger.
Commission type: Color Sketch
Extras: How much extra besides 1K in Volts would it cost to have both the sword and spell-tome at ready, sword at hand and tome carried around?
Essentially a son of an Immortalized Commodus of Rome, deals in Magic that centralizes on enhancing Physical Prowess and he has abilities that correlate with either drawing crowds to him or hiding among their ranks at will without anyone finding out about it until it's too late.

Like his father(whom he's a spitting image of), he will tend to get unforgiving of his subordinates' failures, and does tend to punish those who failed him by killing them personally, which isn't to say he has no plans of his own, far from it.

It deserves knowing that he's rather narcissistic, albeit not 'quite' as severe about it as his dad is BUT he will gather followers based on who'd stroke his ego on top of giving him results.

Many of his followers are twisted jackasses, as fair warnings ahead.


P.S: I need to find a more fitting title and maybe a name while I am at it, too.

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/23 06:44:54 )
@Kairie: xD me. I know I have at-risk people around me so today I was struggling to get people to do what we're supposed to prevent spreading. If you're at the window, don't finish drinks. You have to wash your hands before you can do that. Wash your hands after handling cash, don't give out puppacinos (considered sampling. sometimes these things are given to kids.) no one in cafe, wash hands every 30 minutes. Like we're trying to prevent the chance of spreading, but people just don't friggin listen and it's really pissing me off. xD

Yeah.. It's sad and unfortunate, but it is what it is. I'm trying to just like, force myself to get over it and deal. xD but is so hard. I want to watch my favorites but I just know they aren't that petty and/or stupid! D=

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/24 05:06:28 )
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@Lucifera: Ughhh I hate that struggle
we're still really understaffed right now to deal with people and doing safety procedures and I'm just like 'I DON'T CARE IF THEY ARE HERE A HALF HOUR WE WILL BE SANITARY/SAFE.)

Luckily there are the smaller youtubers who are great to watch! u wu
I feel like I don't really follow many big youtubers anymore and just follow smaller ones.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/24 06:33:59 )
@Kairie: Yeah... It was like that all day today. And then our SM said "hey, take their order on the cafe till to practice social distancing! Take this opportunity to put your customer's name down!"
Me: "the virus can travel up to 15 feet, we pass by each other face to face in a 3 or 4 foot slot in between our 2 bars, and no one is even following deployment protocols. Your social distancing isn't going to work." Obviously in a more polished and not-so-bitchy way that my SM actually seemed to appreciate the feedback on.
My SM: We will try it anyways.
me: Proceeds to do this, and the first person's name on DT that I tried to take asks me:
"Uh... Do you really need to take my name for this?"
:vanora_cry: After this and after having to be on bar for a few hours/take orders for another few hours (worked a 6 hours shift so, I was fairly split between these 2 roles all day.) my mood was ruined.
Oh! I also had to go to work a bit wet. And bruised. But that's okay. (and literally pulled a muscle pumping syrup which is equal parts funny and painfully annoying.)

Sorry for the long rant but like.... xD I really, really, really, really hated everything and everyone today.

I never seen many if any smaller youtubers even if I specifically search them. Literally one of my friends started a channel and even specifically searching her name, I had to like, dodge bigger people to get to her actual channel (and eventually had to go to a video to even be able to subscribe.)

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/25 06:00:01 )
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@Lucifera: Adljalgj that sounds annoying. :( People are being stupid.
And no worries about the rant!! It's always good to rant bc you'll feel better. xD

Ah yeah, youtube is at the point where it no longer recommends me big youtubers so it always recommends me smaller youtubers?? I guess I'm lucky. xDD
since yeah when I go searching for them they're harder to find.

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/25 08:35:56 )
@Kairie: Indeed! Now my mom is sick with something and idk if it's just her typical cold, or if it's something else. But it is developing and she has asthma sooo... Me: I should probably start being more strict about staying home for a smidge.

xD Looks like you hacked YT algorithm then! Just refuse the big guys!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/25 08:45:30 )
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@Lucifera: Oh dear. D; Hopefully it is just a typical cold, but yeah better to be safe than sorry. > A<

Me saying 'do not show me this again' has finally worked! xD

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/25 20:14:42 )
@Kairie: Yeah... Well she gets upper respiratory infections and colds all the time. Like this time last year, she had a super bad cold turned upper respiratory infection that she finally got rid of and not she got a cold. xD I feel bad for poor mama.

LOL! Should work. Also, on another mildly related note, have you heard about the stolen youtube channel that this girl is having issues getting back?

Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 02:21:17 )
@ghost: Hey! sorry it took me a while, work and school have been super draining but I have finish Sif for you! I hope you like her!


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 04:55:51 )
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@Lucifera: Oh no your poor mama. :(

Adlkjaljg are you talking about Holly Brown? Or a different youtuber?

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 05:00:03 )
@Kairie: Yeah. And she's cranky af. Like extra cranky.

And no, think her name is meghan or something like that? blonde chick.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 05:02:04 )
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@Lucifera: I bet. :(

Oo another youtuber? Did her account get sold to a russian or something as well?

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 05:03:23 )
@Kairie: Idk, she just knows her account was hacked and sold for 500$ and turned into some crap called beauty dior. xD Youtube really did a shit job helping her. 2 videos she made to get their attention on things, and like, 2 hours of watching. It's so frustrating, but she's so funny explaining it despite being mad.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 05:04:11 )
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@Lucifera: Oooof. I'm hearing of this happening more and more?? Does youtube not care at all about their users or what. ID

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 05:17:22 )
@Kairie: They really don't. Tbh I used to want to start a youtube channel, but seeing that they gave 0 shites about their users, honestly, it's a huge turn off. I really believe youtubers should start moving to different platforms at this point.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 05:19:07 )
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@Lucifera: Yeah I saw how badly they were treating some of their bigger users with all those copyright strikes that were going on. ID
I wonder what platform will take over/they could move to. >>

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Donator — She Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 05:21:45 )
@Kairie: Twitch could be an amazing option. With the platform being live, with the option to archive videos, they have the ability to make a youtube-like platform that is super versatile and far more interactive between bigger youtubers. But a lot of the bigger ones have partnerships. But even that doesn't get them good treatment.

I strongly believe if someone built a better, more moral version of youtube... Youtube would disappear so fast, it'd be like myspace. xD

(I think we should honestly bring myspace back, even facebook is too big for their britches.)
Ping me for fast replies!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/03/26 05:27:19 )
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@Lucifera: Huh that's an interesting thought! I haven't really ever used twitch before but from what I vaguely remember from the few times I did use it you are right in the fact that it could replace youtube if enough people moved to it and what not. ;o

With how corrupt everyone is I'd be surprised if a more moral version came about. ID

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