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I recently started rewatching Brooklyn Nine-Nine so that I can catch up on the latest season and omg I forgot how funny this series is since it has been a while since I've watched it!
Do you guys like it?
Who is your favorite character? Favorite Episode?
For me I really do enjoy Holt and his interactions with Jake, but Holt is definitely my favorite character. u wu As for favorite episode I'm not sure I have one.
Feel free to come chat up B99 with me since I'll be watching it for quite a while! OuO
I recently started rewatching Brooklyn Nine-Nine so that I can catch up on the latest season and omg I forgot how funny this series is since it has been a while since I've watched it!
Do you guys like it?
Who is your favorite character? Favorite Episode?
For me I really do enjoy Holt and his interactions with Jake, but Holt is definitely my favorite character. u wu As for favorite episode I'm not sure I have one.
Feel free to come chat up B99 with me since I'll be watching it for quite a while! OuO
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