Overall Interest 4/5
Accuracy 4/5
Overall Impression 5/5
Overall Effort 5/5
Overall Interest 4/5
Accuracy 4/5
Overall Impression 5/5
Overall Effort 3/5
Overall Interest 4/5
Accuracy 4/5
Overall Impression 5/5
Overall Effort 4/5
@Synthetic Nature:
Overall Interest 5/5
Accuracy 3/5
Overall Impression 5/5
Overall Effort 3/5
All four of you, thank you so so much for entering!
Since there were only four, and I hate telling people not, you all get an item =)
I mean, the rest are just goin' for art anyway
I really do love and appreciate all four pieces~<3
And I'm definitely willing to talk about an item, or two, or whatever, in exchange for more art from any of you (and anyone else who happens to be reading this!).
I should do that, no?
Dawn: 4+4+5+5=18/20
Djinn: 4+4+5+3=16/20
Kent: 4+4+5+4=17
Synthetic: 5+3+5+3=16/20
Overall interest: She's just standing there, however, given her expression, and how she's holding the paper, that's the most dynamic 'standing there' I have ever seen! 3/5
Overall Impression: I can see there's some perspective at work here, and it translates pretty nicely, with her upper half how it is, in comparison to her lower half. 4/5
Accuracy: What can I say? The details a spot-on, right down to her scars! 5/5
Overall effort: I can see the effort put into it. The pose, the colouring, the shading, it's all there! 5/5
Overall interest: While sitting might not be very 'dynamic', it certainly captures Vincent after his nomadic days. And the position he's in, as well as his body language really sell it. 4/5
Overall impression: The image itself doesn't really pop, but with an activity such as reading, paired with the individual, that's not surprising. So well done on showcasing how he tends to prefer things to be quiet around him when he reads. 4/5
Accuracy: You got the stubble! His eyes are the right colour, and even the earring we're seeing is the right colour! Only thing is that he probably wouldn't wear jeans while reading. 4.5/5
Overall effort: Oh yeah, I can tell effort and time was put into this. Good work with the light source as well! 5/5
Overall interest: A nice head-on perspective, as well as showing using tools from the perspective. I like it! 5/5
Overall impression: It's nice to see Ash's passion of cooking being showcased. A very warm image to be sure. 4/5
Accuracy: This pretty much captures how he would cook in a a more professional setting. The bags under the eyes, the small smile, that's him. Hair could be a little darker, though. 4/5
Overall effort: And I can see the effort that was put into this as well! Lines could stand to be a smidgen cleaner, though, I suppose. 4/5
Overall interest: Mira's holding her trademark weapon is always a treat, especially when it's over the shoulder like that. 4/5
Overall impression: Her expression shows that she's looking down on someone that had just been looking down on her. And the head-turn seals it. 4/5
Accuracy: You got her hair down nicely, her style of dress suits her, and her eyes are great. Sadly, the lack of piercings on her ear'll cost a point... 4/5
Overall effort: Come on, it's clear that effort was put into this. It's clean, the shading is nice, and the sheen on the weapon is great! 5/5
Dawn: 3+4+5+5=17
Djinn: 4+4+4.5+5=17.5
Kent: 5+4+4+4=17
Synthetic: 4+4+4+5=17
Dawn: 17+18=35/40
Djinn: 16+17.5=33.5/40
Kent: 17+17=34/40
Synthetic: 16+17=33/40
DAWNPAINTERZ gets first pick!
KENT gets second pick!
DJINN Gets third pick!
and finally
SYNTHETIC NATURE gets last pick!
Thank you all SO so SO much for entering!

A huge thank you to @Anarchist Beauty: for all of the work she's put into the banners for here. Thank you so much darlin'!
PLEASE NOTE: this is NOT an official Voltra contest. I know I'm a mod, but this is a personal contest that I am hosting.
Yes this is a second attempt for an art contest.
Yes I love getting art of my characters.
Yes, I'm a bit of a whore for art.
Yes, I think the prizes for this one are better!
Yes, the prizes are different!
Yes, I'm just reusing the same banners from Ana. LOL
Read on for more information~<3
If you want to bring people around here, here's a couple things you can throw in your sig or posts.
If you put it in your sig/post for a week, you'll get a free 5k volts from me as a thank you!
(You can only claim that once)


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