❖ I only accept volts for items I sell ❖
x4 Year of the Rat
x3 Nifty Nurse
x4 Harlequin
x2 Year of the Pig
❖ I only offer ohms for items I'm buying ❖
- Showstopper
- Cancer
- Rainbow Mesh
- Midsummer Night's King
- Zaz La
- Xogud Split
- Engile
- Keep Warm
- Wonderous Wisteria
- Alice
- D.J. Furocious
- Sky Master
- Alicorn
- Skunk Punk
- Ryuo the Dragon
- Frankie
- Centaur
- Sticky Fingers
- Too Hot
- Cursed Prince
- Lethal Dose
- The Bayou
- Sea Witch
- Candies Glazing
- Vaughn's Arm