I am officially quitting!
Please do not move this thread, I would like it here please, as my final request.
I have been a member from the start of this site, many sweet and bitter moments, but I am finally ready to move on forever. I'm sorry, if your feelings toward me aren't positive, but I did what I thought was right and it's not ok to bully someone because you think they did this and that. You don't know the whole story, but I'm not here to cry about it. I moved on and I am not holding any grudges. This was once my favorite site, I was hurt too, but I am ok now. I lost people who I thought were my friends just to have their backs turned on me without trying to understand where I'm coming from. I have the option of quitting and let my items rot here, but I am not going to do that, I want my last good bye to make an impression on everyone on the site and just to say I'm sorry and also to say thank you to those amazing people that still stood by me and consider me as their friend.
This thread will be here for about a week or so, as I select people who post in this thread. You have chances of receiving more than 1 trade, if you stick around and chat a bit, but that's up to you. Please just be honest, I don't want anyone to try to sugar coat anything, you still have a chance of getting something even if you aren't saying anything nice. That's all, and I will cherish all the moments I had on here.

Please do not move this thread, I would like it here please, as my final request.
I have been a member from the start of this site, many sweet and bitter moments, but I am finally ready to move on forever. I'm sorry, if your feelings toward me aren't positive, but I did what I thought was right and it's not ok to bully someone because you think they did this and that. You don't know the whole story, but I'm not here to cry about it. I moved on and I am not holding any grudges. This was once my favorite site, I was hurt too, but I am ok now. I lost people who I thought were my friends just to have their backs turned on me without trying to understand where I'm coming from. I have the option of quitting and let my items rot here, but I am not going to do that, I want my last good bye to make an impression on everyone on the site and just to say I'm sorry and also to say thank you to those amazing people that still stood by me and consider me as their friend.
This thread will be here for about a week or so, as I select people who post in this thread. You have chances of receiving more than 1 trade, if you stick around and chat a bit, but that's up to you. Please just be honest, I don't want anyone to try to sugar coat anything, you still have a chance of getting something even if you aren't saying anything nice. That's all, and I will cherish all the moments I had on here.