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Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/13 22:51:14 )

Thanks! I've had to do it many times in the last few years.
Staying up later tends to be a lot easier than having to wake up earlier, so I have very little to complain about XD

Also so glad animal crossing's bunny day finally ended! I can fish in peace ;A;
fishing tourney should have been today lmao


Voltie — Moody Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 00:55:10 )
Moody Says. . .


@Jolly: Yeah I totally get that.
Back wen I was still learning to get my GED I had to shift mine so many times that way.
Now I am like " I do this again??" XD

No more eggs!
Just fish.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 18:22:20 )

Yeah I usually change mine due to work. I've had a lot of job changes or changes within jobs that make me shift my sleeping schedule a lot xd
This time is more favorable since the purpose is isolation from the general public. I can work a bit safer and have less risk of bringing sickness home to my family. Manager's are saying they might continue this overnight position until end of year too!


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 20:15:49 )
@jolly: Hahaa, same here! Or they open up the gates as soon as I'm going to bed, and I wonder if losing sleep is worth it. : p
No worries, no worries! That happens to me all the time! I tried to get two of my friends to visit and once they were both available I had to leave to pick something up and it ended up being a 3 hour thing. * ___ *
Oh gosh, all moving in different directions? That's pretty crazy. Hope it all works out for you guys though!!

YEAH. I agree! There's so many times I want to mail something out and I can't. askdjhfasdjf.
Have this toliet. Hahaha. It's nice receiving mail too, it's like people are thinking about you when they see something, or at least I think of it that way.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 20:26:10 )

Honestly though xD
Or when I tell my bf "kay I'm gonna get off so we can spend time!" and then I get someone messaging me for AC like "OMW"
its usually my sister so I open the gates anyway lmao

Yeah its kinda nice. In the old gamecube game I had this childhood friend who would send me letters when she'd play with me. I can't remember if you can set WHEN they received it or if I just always forgot to play for a long time and would randomly get mail from her. Was my favorite thing <3
I miss writing letters irl (they always vanish cause the post here are really lazy ;; ) so I wanna do it ingame sometimes :vanora_xd:

In any case, I'm free for the next 2 hours if you wanna connect~


Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 21:10:02 )
@jolly: Aaaaah, same! It's always at the worst time. asdkjhfaskjdf.
If it's something where I don't need to do much but tap the screen so it doesn't kick me out, then I'm fine, but that's never the case. Haha.

Awwwh, that is really cute! Q VQ I miss the gamecube, it was what really got me into games. Haha. I think I only really wrote letters to the villagers. I don't remember if I even had any friends on that, or if it was possible. @ ____ @ ;;;
I heard about a writing app that goes along the same thing where you can write to a penpal and it takes however long it normally would to send mail and whatnot. I'd have to do some research, but it does sound really nice receiving letters that aren't bills. Haha.

Aaaa. I just finished work and I'm about to play a game with my hubby. ;;;
I can run in quick and drop it off before we play maybe? Then at least we can mail each other stuff. Haha.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 21:15:28 )

I never got many games for the gamecube. I saved up my life's worth of bday or christmas money to get the console, and even then I had to reeeeeally convince my mom to let me. She was a playstation-only type XD
But I got animal crossing and sonic adventure, and I was fully content.

Oh that sounds interesting. Although it does lack the traditional feel of letter writing. At that point you might as well just send an email xD
But I might look into it too, maybe it would be pretty neat.

Hhaha no problem! I'm also drawing lmao
I can open my gate if you just wanna quickly connect and then run away to play with him
That way we can be on mailing lists XD


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 21:25:40 )

AH thanks for the apple too! ;v; I think all I need now are peaches


Voltie — Moody Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 21:44:35 )
Moody Says. . .


@Jolly: I sorta gave up on fixing schedule.
At least until cold weather stops.

I don't really have much to do or a job.
My job, for now, is making stickers for red bubble and hoping someone someday will buy my lame
designs of demons on stickers. :vanora_sweat:

I can't really get an RL job as my dad is in his 60's and has had pneumonia already so I can't really risk it.
The job I was going to get was with a relative but they are actually a mandatory job so I wouldn't be able to stay home
during the virus.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 22:46:15 )

Oooo I kinda stalk found your redbubble and I love the sticker you have on there. I only see one though, you should definitely keep up with making them!
I've thought about getting a sticker printer and designing to sell on etsy, but I'm not sure how well that would pay off. Especially without a following I wouldn't get any traction probably ^^;
Maybe unless I made a bunch of fandom themed things

Ouch, yeah its definitely better to protect your loved ones! Even once things open back up again, I still plan to take as many precautions as I can. I also live with people who wouldn't survive the virus. I am so grateful my job has created an overnight position so that some employees can work without direct contact with customers, and my HR prioritized me being part of that crew cause of my situation.
I still avoid my family to be safe. Eat my dinner outside and all that xD


Voltie — Moody Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 22:54:21 )
Moody Says. . .


@Jolly: There's two on there. But of the same piece.
Just a daytime and nighttime version.
Hopefully, they sell but not 100% confident in that lol.
But I have better designs...hopefully. :vanora_sweat:

I don't really have a big following
so idk if my stickers will sell. But I need to try as I don't have any other way of income.
Just need to advertise the heck out of it.

I still don't really know if things will calm down tbh. So idk if I'll end up getting te job I want.
So might just have to be a freelance artist for a while.

Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 23:04:09 )

Ohh I see it, I like them both! If I can land another commission here soon I'll have to order one from you. I have a couple of thermal bottles to decorate but haven't seen a paycheck in a couple of weeks outside of RLC :vanora_xd:

Yeah I have like 86 people following me on twitter, but they aren't very active I think? Most came from a few years ago when someone bigger mentioned me making a comic for them lmao so I didn't do much to earn attention. I post too infrequent or sporadically.
If you can stand it, I do recommend sprinkling in some fandom themed items in your shops. Sometimes having those can bring attention and then people might see your other work too. People more often search fandom tags.

I wish you the best of luck though! I tossed a little share for your shop so hopefully one of my 86 followers actually sees it XD
If they are at all active haha


Voltie — Moody Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 23:10:35 )
Moody Says. . .


@Jolly: You don't need to do that.
I just need to think about how I can advertise it better with such a small following.

That's a whole lot more than me that's for sure.
5 followers on twitter and like 10 on Instagram. :vanora_sweat:

My fandom stuff I have going on just won't be done for quite some time since their
quite large pieces and not just stickers like my other stuff.


If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 23:12:52 )
@jolly: I don't really think I did either. All I remember is animal crossing. Hahaa. It was the only console I really owned on my own besides the gameboy series, I guess. Awwwh, at least you were able to convince her though! My brother got most of the games, since he was older and he was awful at sharing, so I mostly just watched the games. I'm pretty bad at them anyway, so I would have gotten frustrated anyway, I guess.
I think I was really big on the super nintendo before that, but again my brother owned it. ;;;

Yeah, it sounded pretty cool though. Almost like a modern twist on penpals. Not sure if you would be able to send it to random people either...
Hmm. E-mails are immediate though, as long as both people check ir regularly...

Ahh, nice nice! i should be drawing after this, but I'm so behind in the game because I don't stay up late. weep.
No problem! Ack, I have peaches too, I should have brought them. adskhjfakjsdf. Next time! Unless I can mail a small stack of them...


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 23:21:47 )

I like supporting fellow artists if I can. So many have done so for me <3

Haha well, I guess it isn't always about numbers either way. Like I said, 86 followers that are not active is not any different from having like, 2 active ones ^^
It does absolutely make my day when I get interactions beyond simple likes and follows. Like, comments mean the world to me haha

Haha awww I'm not the greatest at certain types of games either tbh. But a lot of that is because we dont put the time into them. Its a skill as any other.
RPGs and tactical games are usually where I'm better at it. But like, shooters/mobas make me stress so much cause I never bothered to get better at them lmao

I grew up on PS1 which was also big for RPGs anyway. So final fantasy became my main jam xD
I didn't mess with other consoles unless I was visiting someone who had one.

Haha its okay, I need to repay you before you give me peaches too! Idk with what yet but maybe I'll just shower you with tickets lmaoo
Or bells, I did say I'd give you those and kinda forgot at the last minute. I'll see if it will let me mail you some :D


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/14 23:21:55 )
site broke for a mini second and double posted, oops

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/16 22:44:34 )
@jolly: Ack, forgot to post here because the event hit me! Sorry for the delay! And thank you for the extra bells, you didn't have to!!

Yeah, haha I'm really bad at most games. There's very few where I can actually follow it with no difficulties. q vq Since I read so fast sometimes or I'm distracting doing more than one thing, I often don't remember where they said to go. akdjfhakjsdhf.

Oh, good point. I never really thought about it that way. I guess if you really put time into something, you'll get better at it. By doing research too, I guess.
I feel like some people are just naturally good at games sometimes though too. ;;

I forgot to mail the peaches aaaaa. I'll do that today! Did you want a stack of 3? I could just get it from one tree, should be pretty easy. Though, let me know if you need more apples, they're my native fruit and I have a bunch of them. * V* !!


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/16 23:48:50 )

No worries! I'll reply in like, 4 hours XD about to jump into my class call~


Voltie — she/her Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/17 06:50:54 )

homework is still devouring my soul, but I can take a break to reply now lmaojsdlfhfd

Omg I do that in games too lol I don't read particularly fast, but I push buttons fast, and sometimes when I didn't want to and skip dialogue by mistake.
When I really sit with a game consistently, I can get pretty good at them. But most of the time I get distracted, stop playing for months, then when I go back i kinda forgot the vibe of the gameplay so I get worse at it.

But yeah, I agree some people are just naturally good at games. I envy those who can play any genre ;;

Any amount of peaches is good for me >v<
1 tree or 3 trees, either way I'll make them multiply when they grow! Expand my tree farm. I swear I tried making an organized one too, but its probably gonna look like a confused mess lmao

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Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/17 14:21:49 )
@jolly: Ahhh, classwork! Same thing with work on my end. It's supposed to be an easy week, but I've been spending 4-5 hours a day just getting everything sorted. (Was only supposed to have an hour for "Office hours" but here i am).

Gosh, yeah. I do the same thing. I'll hold down R button for the text to move faster in animal crossing and then I'm like AAA WAIT.

Yup, that sounds about right with me. Hahaha. Then I get frustrated that I can't play that part of the game anymore. Aaaaa. I still need to finish Kingdom Hearts. I'm like 3/4 of the way done already, I've just been too lazy to hook up the playstation and actually finish it. Lmao.
Like my hubby, no matter what he plays he's just naturally good at it. I think the only game where I've been able to best him was Splatoon? And that's only because I played three times the amount of hours that he played. Even sometimes he was able to get me, but mann. That's about it. ;;

Ahh, okay! * V* !!! I haven't signed into the game yet, but I'll send them over when I jump back online!
I still need to sort together my orchard too. I keep meaning to do it, and then I keep saying that I'll work on it tomorrow. Haha. I need my island more organized. Aaaa.

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