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Forums Vibrance Day Event 2020 blin's vibrant hangout (come on in and chat)

Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 05:50:35 )
@Totalanimefan: Their clientele enjoys it.
I'm amazed by how many people are still buying donuts every morning.
They're allowed to bring in 3 customers at a time.
Like, these people are wilding.

Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 05:56:11 )
@Totalanimefan: She says it's a lot of essential people that are trying to keep some sanity before they go in to get treated like shut by their employers and customers.
I feel like I shouldn't be surprised. :vanora_xd:

Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:03:05 )
@Totalanimefan: I just didn't realize how much going out to the mall or target once a week really affected me. Though It might be the weather, at this point. I was already a huge home body. And I'm bad at socializing, so I don't talk to anyone besides my boyfriend, unless they text or call first.
I have! I first had it over ten years ago at a local Chinese restaurant. It was a melon flavored tea and so amazing. Then I couldn't find it anywhere because I live in the middle of the country... So when I tried to find places I was either disappointed that they didn't have anything, closed, or only had frozen adaptions. =/

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:09:15 )

Hello everyone! <3 wanting to do some posting before I go to sleeps!


Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:11:15 )
@Bonnie: Samesies.
Boyfriend went to sleep about an hour ago.
I'm currently watching some game grumps, crocheting by book light thingy, and keeping an eye on this thread.
While also being sandwiched between my boyfriend and one of the cats, who are both sleeping very peacefully.

Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:12:09 )
Your current avi is amazing, as always.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:13:04 )

@blinkini: aw! <3 is it late there? It’d after midnight but I’m not tired at all. I don’t have to wake up early either so I’m good to stay up a bit late tonight lol

What are you crocheting?

And thank you so much <33


Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:16:33 )
@Bonnie: I think we're in the same time zone. It's 12:15.
But boyfriend has to be up early so he can get his coffee and gaming in before he prepares for work.
I've been a little sick the past couple of days-sinus infection-so I'm ready to get back on his sleeping schedule soon.
I'm making paw print oven mitts, which I'm hoping to sell in the near future.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:18:44 )

@blinkini: oooh we are in the same time zone! If I manage to wake up earlier and drink coffee I need to start schoolwork before work starts at 11:30.
But we will see if I get up early. I’m glad that you are starting to feel better! I hate sinuses soooooooo much. They irk my spirit!

And those sound hella cute. What colors are you using,


Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:23:01 )
@Bonnie: Man, you sound like you have a busy life, rn. :<
Dude, same. My least favorite part is the pressure building up in my ears. D;;;
Well, in the living room I have supplies for a pair that is purple, teal, and light pink. In the bedroom I'm working on some foxlike mitts. So red and brown? I think? I don't remember what other color I got. Lol. I got the red out for tonight.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:26:02 )

@blinkini: yeah work kind of ramped up in the pandemic I mean I’m grateful because I still have a lot of bills and my car insurance is going up even with other quotes from other companies so I need to continue to work.

Yeah i hate the build up there too. I also hate getting head colds I tend to get those when my sinuses seriously flare up it sucks!

And they sounds cute! I’m sure they will turn out really well!


Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:26:08 )
@Totalanimefan: I might have to see if I can find a place that is delivering boba, nearby. :o
That does blow. One of my coworkers takes me to work, so she would sometimes pick me up early so we could do something. And we just started going to the gym after work, last month. So it's def an adjustment. But before I got this job I was stuck in my studio apartment for several weeks without leaving or even seeing another person at all.
Thankfully my boyfriend asked me to move in with him and I was going to be living with him by the end of this month, so we just fast tracked it a bit. I would have been miserable in my tiny apartment with my cats. :<

Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:29:37 )
@Bonnie: Oh man, that blows. I saw an article that said that people on unemployment are making more than essential workers, in many states. Which is just horrible. I don't understand why hazard pay isn't a thing...
Oh man, that sounds even worse. I can't handle getting sick while I'm sick. I become a baby at that point.
They are the cutest. I have pictures somewhere, but I'm too lazy to find them rn. Maybe I'll post some pictures tomorrow, if you're interested.

Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:31:23 )
@Totalanimefan: Dude, right.
The worst is that one of my other coworkers just broke up with her fiance last week, so she had to move in with her mom. Like, what a horrible time for that to happen.
It was a lot more drama. So I'm definitely enjoying the lack of stress.

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:32:33 )

@blinkini: yeah. I dunno it’s crazy but even with unemployment a lot of people who were used to making nice comfortable salaries are making nothing so I know there is a hella spike!

Yes I tend to just power through the best I can. When I’m at work the officer manager gets medicine in her first aid drawer so we usually just go to her and say: “I need drugs”. I usually take excedrine csuse it works the best to stop the inflammation

Oooooh I would love to see themmm! <33


Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:37:33 )
@Bonnie: It really is crazy. Idk about other states, but Kansas was not prepared for this volume and the website is constantly down. It's impossible for people to file and instead of everyone being understanding, they keep telling us to call and file, even though their phone lines can't handle the volume either, so people are getting frustrated because the state isn't being lenient, and they're just yelling and bickering constantly.
Dude, that's hella. I was that person at my old job, before I got fired. Drugs and water. Had to take care of my peeps. <3
Bet. I'm def tag you when I find the pic. :]

Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:38:43 )
@Totalanimefan: Dude, right???
I've been watching Roseanne lately and thinking about how much more stressful everything was and would be, which the current technologies that we have. I can't imagine going back to not having cell phones. D;

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:40:42 )

@blinkini: yeahhh. It’s the same here in Louisiana. They really dropped the ball. Like there’s nothing else to tell people because it’s hard when NO one has access to filing for it. Also food stamps too. Huge influx of SNAP applications because people who never were able to qualify need it now.

I’m sorry to hear you were fired D; but yeah I love the office manager she’s literally our mom at work. I adore that woman.

Yesss I can’t wait! I’m going to have to make sure I drop by tomorrow I probably am going to bookmark a few threads I’ll frequent so I don’t get lost I get the feeling a lot is going to happen by the time I’m up and can post lol



Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:44:59 )
@Bonnie: Oh man, I didn't even think about SNAP. And WIC. Damn, that must be horrible...
I just feel like they could be more lenient. Like, no one is working, no companies are paying us. Just assume we're not getting money unless we tell you. Not the other way around.
That is so nice. I wish more places had someone super sweet and nurturing like that.
Dude, right??? With a lot of people being home I'm anticipating this event being super lit. I've been waiting impatiently for it to start since my county went on lock down on 3/23. Lol.

Donator — pancake Posted 5 years ago ( 2020/04/15 06:45:54 )
@Totalanimefan: I mean, yes. But also, Facebook is my poison when it comes to social media. Lol. I need my memes.

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