Alexis's posts
Posted in Closed
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.
@cashew: How much for demonic??

Posted in spooky stories!
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.
@Mousy: woahh you had to truly freaky stuff happen to you, I would have refused to stay in my own home x_x

Posted in spooky stories!
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.
Oh man. I have a lot of stories I've heard both local and personal encounters but I'll just stick to one story :3.
..... were at my aunt's house. My aunt lives with a friend, and that friend was also pretty close to my family. I was super young so I don't remember this happening as I grew older but my mom still remembers it vividly. When I was 3 my mom wanted to ask the friend a question so we walked over to her room together. While my mom went to peek into her room I was waiting in the hallway for her. Apparently I had started crying and my mom was asking me whats wrong and I pointed down the hallway saying there was a girl in white. My mom thought I was talking about my Aunt's friend but then she remembered that she was asleep in the room. My mom looked down the hall and saw the white figure I had seen. Like I mentioned, I don't remember what I saw but according to my mom she saw a headless child in a white dress. My mom immediately grabbed me and we ran into the kitchen area where my aunt was.
Mom told her what we saw and my aunt just casually replied "Oh thats the guardian angel of this house" .

Posted in would you rather have shitty friends or no friends at all
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.
Personally wouldnt call them friends. Real friends wouldn't treat you like that.

Posted in What keeps you going?
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.
When I'm at my darkest I tend to isolate myself and I think. I just let all the thoughts run its course and whatever emotions come with it. I try to find the source as to why I feel the way I do, and when I figure it out I think of how I can do better. If I can't figure it out, I at least let the emotions out and I try to come back to it another time. If I feel I REALLY need help I ask for it, though personally I like to come to decisions that I know I made on my own behalf because I feel more at peace with the decision. Tbh I don't really know what keeps me going. I don't feel I have some 'grand purpose' but I enjoy the little things and It would suck to lose that. I'm not sure if this is great advice but I hope this at least helps a little bit.
Whatever you are going through, cant always be easily solved and will take time~ Even the smallest of steps is still progress. If something doesnt work out, it doesn't mean there isn't some other way to help it. Im sorry to hear your appointments didnt work out, but you still have people who support you/want to help ^^.

Posted in Rate The Avatar Above You
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.
I like the use of that dark purple color, but I think the red might be throwing it off for me.
I like the direction you are going so far though~

Posted in What food is the AAY?
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.

Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.

Posted in Magical Find and Errands
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.
Haha I also have a hard time finding shoes in stock for me :'). I normally wear a size 6 or 6 1/2.
As for magical finds, every now and then I'll find money on the floor. Every time I find money I turn it in but no one claims it so I just goes back to me. The largest bill I've found was a $50 bill xD.

Posted in One-word story chain!
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.
In the distance, there walked a giant cat dragon. This creature was alarmingly sexy. I blushed when it came to my party. My pet Cthulhu went crazy from jealousy because it was scared that I won't love it anymore, but I assured him that my love is boundless.
“I love all creatures regardless of their species.” Suddenly, the giant cat dragon transformed into a genie where it

Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.

Posted in What zodiac sign is the AAY?
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.

Posted in Which Pokemon follows the AAY?
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.

Posted in What ice cream flavor is the AAY?
Posted 5 years ago
Since 1103 posts.
Cookies and cream~