Alexis's posts
Posted in Which rpg class is the AAY?
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Rate The Avatar Above You
Posted 7 years ago
I LOVE the colors you chose! Personally I like either really deep or muted/muddy colors and you have both lol.
Also realllly like the layering.
I LOVE the colors you chose! Personally I like either really deep or muted/muddy colors and you have both lol.
Also realllly like the layering.

Posted in Ghost stories?
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: I'm glad your brothers gf is not an issue anymore! It seems that even other entities did not like her lol.
Other than that, it also sounds like you are used to a lot of activity, ever have friends that come over and get a little freaked out??
Other than that, it also sounds like you are used to a lot of activity, ever have friends that come over and get a little freaked out??

Posted in Word Association
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Ghost stories?
Posted 7 years ago
@GuttedBunny: Haha the supernatural is just intriguing but theres also grounds where the uncertain can be scary and unpredictable so i get what you mean. x)
@Apollo Im Burning: woahhh that interesting, maybe that frog is good luck lol.
@Luffer Nutter: Ahh me too, I'm hoping more stories accumulate on here :3.
@Lithium: Ohh I have some friends who also are able to see or feel. Its always interesting and I end up asking their family members about it. One of my friends (who I will refer to as A) has the ability to sense things and her mom mentioned to me that only the females on her side of the family inherit the ability. When me and A went on this stay-over trip at an old plantation, she immediately started to sense something was off. When everyone went to sleep all sorts of activity started to happen like this window slamming open when no one was awake to do it, REALLY loud foot steps when no one was awake/walking. I take a long time to fall asleep so I was up till at least 4am to hear a bunch of things. Keep in mind everyone slept on the same floor, but we were all able to see each other from where we were located so you can tell if someone was up doing things.
The room my parents were in was realllllllyyy cold. My mom got so cold she left the room to go to the bathroom right across that room and the hallway was noticeably warm compared to the room she was staying in. My mom also had this empty duffel bag that was on the chair by the bed sitting flat, and my dads pants were folded on top of it. My mom was NOT able to sleep so she was awake the entire time but she was just laying in bed next to my dad so she heard all sorts of noises. One of the things she heard was something sliding off the chair slowly, then something being thrown hard onto the ground. My mom didnt want to get up and look because she was afraid. When morning came around and everyone was starting to wake up she saw the duffel bag on the ground but upside down while the pants that was folded on top was still on the chair, still neatly folded.
@Apollo Im Burning: woahhh that interesting, maybe that frog is good luck lol.
@Luffer Nutter: Ahh me too, I'm hoping more stories accumulate on here :3.
@Lithium: Ohh I have some friends who also are able to see or feel. Its always interesting and I end up asking their family members about it. One of my friends (who I will refer to as A) has the ability to sense things and her mom mentioned to me that only the females on her side of the family inherit the ability. When me and A went on this stay-over trip at an old plantation, she immediately started to sense something was off. When everyone went to sleep all sorts of activity started to happen like this window slamming open when no one was awake to do it, REALLY loud foot steps when no one was awake/walking. I take a long time to fall asleep so I was up till at least 4am to hear a bunch of things. Keep in mind everyone slept on the same floor, but we were all able to see each other from where we were located so you can tell if someone was up doing things.
The room my parents were in was realllllllyyy cold. My mom got so cold she left the room to go to the bathroom right across that room and the hallway was noticeably warm compared to the room she was staying in. My mom also had this empty duffel bag that was on the chair by the bed sitting flat, and my dads pants were folded on top of it. My mom was NOT able to sleep so she was awake the entire time but she was just laying in bed next to my dad so she heard all sorts of noises. One of the things she heard was something sliding off the chair slowly, then something being thrown hard onto the ground. My mom didnt want to get up and look because she was afraid. When morning came around and everyone was starting to wake up she saw the duffel bag on the ground but upside down while the pants that was folded on top was still on the chair, still neatly folded.

Posted in Learning to love myself; advice?
Posted 7 years ago
@GuttedBunny: I like to think of it as a process. You will have your ups and downs with it but if you choose to go forward and persevere you can be stronger from it :). This sounds cheesy but believe in your self worth, you deserve to be happy.

Posted in Learning to love myself; advice?
Posted 7 years ago
Accept everything about yourself including your flaws. You are human therefore you aren't perfect and that's totally ok! If you feel you need to focus on your wellbeing then take time do so even if you feel the need to be alone to do it, you will thank yourself for it.

Posted in My newest doodles and stuff
Posted 7 years ago
These are all so cute! They remind me of stickers hehe.

Posted in Word Association
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in Yuck or Yum?
Posted 7 years ago
Pineapples on pizza??
Pineapples on pizza??

Posted in Yuck or Yum?
Posted 7 years ago
Strawberry fruit tarts?
Strawberry fruit tarts?

Posted in Yuck or Yum?
Posted 7 years ago
Cookie Dough?
Cookie Dough?

Posted in Keyboard SMASH!
Posted 7 years ago
Indifferent Orcas Must Dig For Snacks!

Posted in Word Association
Posted 7 years ago