Alyssya's posts
Posted in Chat with Sae
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: How are you doing today?
About that cake...what flavors do you like? Also I admire your outlook on personal skill improvement!
>.> would you call baking a personal skill tho?
About that cake...what flavors do you like? Also I admire your outlook on personal skill improvement!
>.> would you call baking a personal skill tho?

Posted in Chat with Sae
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Hello again, thanks for your well wishes with our love lives, glad to see that you made that deadline tho! How was that dinner?
Oh when I have something to celebrate, but feels really lazy I like to make mug cakes. Super easy and quick to whip up. If you like I can give you a recipe for one.

Posted in Chat with Sae
Posted 6 years ago
I didn't hate it, but it was just really hard after like the first 4 weeks. I took it as an eight week class...which I kind of regret but at the same time I don't know if I would have been able to handle the standard length in that class you know. Sometimes I wonder if it would have helped as I would have had a little more time to teach myself things...but at the same time I don't know if it would have made that big of a difference.
Whoops I made a typo there, my mom isn't getting hitched off just yet, but I do feel like she is trying to get ME hitched off XD maybe I have over stayed my welcome at home with her lol~ But your well wished for her aren't in vain she will get back on the dating scene in a year or so I think, when things finally settle out you know~
You sound so cute talking about your husband tho! And I missed talking with you too! I am glad to be back~
Aww thanks, I was rather taken by how well it went together and I love the tree~

Posted in Chat with Sae
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Mmmm well college classes happened, Statistics really had me going, and then a few finals and some familial issues happened and just general life stuffs. Things have finally slowed down a little bit so I am back online. Oh there has also been a wedding....and lately I feel like my mom is trying to get hitched off as well. XD
But I am really glad that you are able to smile and laugh even if it is just a little at the moment. Stuff like that really does wonders for the soul *Hugs*

Posted in Chat with Sae
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: How have you been dear? I do hope that things have gotten better for you? It is a little strange tho the timing and all. I had to deal with something similar yet of a lesser magnitude. Here is to love and support getting you through your time.

Posted in Pillow talk
Posted 6 years ago
@Uncledaddy: I will have to check that out, kinda sounds like a luxury buy then tho....may have to wait on getting one for myself....but it is nice to have a list of things to look forward to! Ilike to sleep on my side mostly and sometimes on my back. What is your typical sleep position if you don't mind me asking?

Posted in Pillow talk
Posted 6 years ago
I have two soft kingsized pillows for my head, three smaller throw pillows(square, round, and rectangular) that I use for various things depending on the day. I use my bed as a makeshift desk so I will use the smaller square throw as a back support. I also have a cat shaped micro bead filled pillow will use as a cuddle buddy as I am a side sleeper. It helps take some pressure off my joints while sleeping. Depending on the position I am in (back or side) I may use one of the throw pillows under my knees, or under my feet or in between my knees. I would really like to go pillow shopping again for a better neck pillow so any recommendations on that would be welcome.
@Uncledaddy: Your head pillow sounds amazing can you tell me what type it is?

Posted in Chat with Sae
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: How have you been dear? Do you mind if I call you that? I am doing ok, thanks for letting me know about the bundle set that is good to know. Will have to check out Yandere when I get up some extra volts.

Posted in Oh goodness, it's been a bit...
Posted 6 years ago
@Scribartz: Hello~ How have you been? Is your health better? Well I have been keeping busy with class, attempting to teach myself elementary stats is a bit of a challenge at times. I have 3 weeks until classes are over so that is a little exciting. Picked up a few tamagotchis as well, something I can do with my little sister....kinda unintentionally started a collection.

Posted in Oh goodness, it's been a bit...
Posted 6 years ago
@Scribartz: whoa, sounds like a lot....I hope that the tests yield something they can work with so that you get better.

Posted in Oh goodness, it's been a bit...
Posted 6 years ago
@Scribartz: whoa are you alright?

Posted in Oh goodness, it's been a bit...
Posted 6 years ago
@Scribartz: Cool~ keeping busy then?

Posted in Chat with Sae
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Aww gee thanks, I like yours as well! January is almost having to debate over donating for that January crate haul or spend the funds on tamagotchi accessories. Really don't know which I want more....
nice post art as well!
Ah the dreaded bone spurs my stepfather would get those too, I hope that he gets his taken care of soon.
Enjoy your family time!

Posted in Chat with Sae
Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: How are they doing? Aww that is wonderful that you got to see them! I am glad that you had a good time. Be sure to rest up when you can tho. Long trips can be really tough.