Amakai's posts
Posted in Amakai's Art Gallery: Open for Chatting & Comments
Posted 8 years ago
Decided I could advertise my art this way by showing what I do on my own time...I do use bases often but I'm very capable of doing my own stuff xD I just hate doing it cuz it takes forever to line something >3> and I'm lazy as yea...I'll be posting stuff here from time to time and hopefully I won't forget about it and abandon it like I have many times in the past...anywho...I'm gonna test with one image then I'll edit the post to add in more...Art is displayed oldest to newest/most recently done.
Anything in a spoiler box is mature content or risque.
My DA account is Amakai411 which is where I'll be copy/pasting all the descriptions I wrote for them xD

Joined a few people on Discord for some DnD so I had to create my character. This is Serenity or Seren to people who know him and his little owl friend Kage (which means Shadow). He's an elven druid. In this world that he's in, druids are being hunted by humans so he doesn't have a whole lot of friends. We haven't started the campaign yet but I'm super excited for it! I haven't played DnD since I was a kid and I've been wanting to for quite awhile now.
Art & OC (c) Amakai411
Base by SparklyCrystal
Serenity's original design by SeraphEnigma23
Anything in a spoiler box is mature content or risque.
My DA account is Amakai411 which is where I'll be copy/pasting all the descriptions I wrote for them xD

Joined a few people on Discord for some DnD so I had to create my character. This is Serenity or Seren to people who know him and his little owl friend Kage (which means Shadow). He's an elven druid. In this world that he's in, druids are being hunted by humans so he doesn't have a whole lot of friends. We haven't started the campaign yet but I'm super excited for it! I haven't played DnD since I was a kid and I've been wanting to for quite awhile now.
Art & OC (c) Amakai411
Base by SparklyCrystal
Serenity's original design by SeraphEnigma23

Posted in FFXV Fanatics Hangout
Posted 8 years ago
@prodigy: he's by far my favorite character of the game...and I love role-playing him. before I started watching the game play (since I don't have a ps4 or the game) Gladio was my favorite xD now he's my least favorite. Noctis and Prompto tie for me though...cuz while Prom is adorable af, king Noctis is...ugh...something else :vanora_heart:

Posted in Cha-Ching [SLOTS OPEN]
Posted 8 years ago
@blinkini: I gave up sleeping on my day off just to go to work to watch it cuz my work is having a party for it =u=;

Posted in Cha-Ching [SLOTS OPEN]
Posted 8 years ago
@blinkini: I'm doing alright xD just waiting for the eclipse to start

Posted in FFXV Fanatics Hangout
Posted 8 years ago
@prodigy: Someday I'll try to do it xD I already have freckles so I'm good to go there lol
@dragoness129: yessss it is~
@dragoness129: yessss it is~

Posted in FFXV Fanatics Hangout
Posted 8 years ago
@prodigy: AHHH I wanna cosplay Prompto so bad but I'm so broke and can't sew for crap xD

Posted in Hello. It me.
Posted 8 years ago
Yes we have! Hello xD

Posted in FFXV Fanatics Hangout
Posted 8 years ago
Locked due to 6+months of inactivity in the thread. If you would like this thread unlocked, please PM a mod.
YO! What's up peeps! Normally I'd be making my usually 'Lazy peeps hangout' but this time around, I've decided to invest into my obsession of FFXV (Final Fantasy 15). I'm so deep into this glorious hell that I don't think I'll ever get out of it (not that I really want to mind you).
~ If you post anything spoiler related (IE: it happens in the game) PUT IT IN A SPOILER with a warning before the spoiler so people know.
~ Try not to bash people's ships if you're against that pairing. (And yes it's okay if you don't ship people)
~ No drama, spamming, arguing/fighting, endless quoting each other. There's a ping system for you to talk to people so please use it.
~ If you post anything spoiler related (IE: it happens in the game) PUT IT IN A SPOILER with a warning before the spoiler so people know.
~ Try not to bash people's ships if you're against that pairing. (And yes it's okay if you don't ship people)
~ No drama, spamming, arguing/fighting, endless quoting each other. There's a ping system for you to talk to people so please use it.

Posted in Hello. It me.
Posted 8 years ago
Amakai here reporting for duty >:3
I'm absolutely loving this place already. The icons, the layout, the colors, everything is so amazing already and it's only in alpha! I can't wait to see this place grow.
I'm absolutely loving this place already. The icons, the layout, the colors, everything is so amazing already and it's only in alpha! I can't wait to see this place grow.

Posted in Ping Suggestion!
Posted 8 years ago
The only thing about the ping system that could be fixed/worked on is being directed directly to the ping post you click on rather than the page itself. So you don't have to scroll through all the posts to find the one you were mentioned in :3c
EDIT: Also can we have a way to clear out Pings please? xD I know we can mark them as read but I'd rather be able to clear them after viewing them.
EDIT: Also can we have a way to clear out Pings please? xD I know we can mark them as read but I'd rather be able to clear them after viewing them.

Posted in Voltra's First Shop, constantly resting [OPEN]
Posted 8 years ago
@cedes: I just love having chat options xD and new sites means more chances to draw new things lol and have fun! or try to lol

Posted in Voltra's First Shop, constantly resting [OPEN]
Posted 8 years ago
@cedes: I WILL JOIN EVERYTHING lol but yea xD I donated for the alpha cuz the place looked super cute

Posted in Cha-Ching [SLOTS OPEN]
Posted 8 years ago
Hey Blinkini! :3

Posted in Voltra's First Shop, constantly resting [OPEN]
Posted 8 years ago
I know that art anywhere >u> helloooooo