Anarchist Beauty's posts
Posted in CLOSED
Posted 7 years ago
@Ina: Always shitty when things like that happen.
Honestly we should be able to talk to counselors and therapists about our suicidal ideation without fear of being locked up in a hospital for it.
Now I can see if it was something like "I'm going to do it exactly like this..." or "I've already attempted", yeah alert someone then because that's a risk.
But "sometimes I think about dying/killing myself" shouldn't be something that sends everyone into a panic.
I has never played. :c
I no has WiiU or Switch.
/cries 5eva
Haha, ye.
I got all my bujo info from google and also instagram.
Plus plenty of people have whole blogs dedicated to their shit.
It's nuts.
Posted in CLOSED
Posted 7 years ago
@keef: Eyy welcome.
10/10 username, too. :vanora_sun:
I thought bullet journaling wouldn't work for me either, but it kinda does. I don't have much of a life though so it's not a big part of my life. It took me months to figure out decent layouts I like anyway. lol And even this month I've changed my first weeks layout and am seeing how I like it. Haha.
But hey, you just gotta find and do whatever thing works for you.
@Ina: For real. Besides, I have no room to call no one.
I got them suicidal feels and thoughts, too.
Can't do the whole 'pot/kettle' thing.
T'would be rude.
Bullet journaling is... Just google it tbh.. Plenty of links to pretty things.
It started as the most basic thing ever in the world, but it's grown into a whole subculture of people doing fancy things.
Mine isn't all that fancy though, just simple layouts with splashes of color to make it pretty. lol
@Fade: I know that feel, took me a bit to actually get the hang of my bujo.
I've had mine for over a year now though! So I'm proud of myself. lol
I found a layout styles that work well for me, and I just run with them.
Currently trying a new weekly layout though because my current bujo is slowly dwindling on pages and my new one is an actual dot grid, so I thought a new spread might be cuter for it.
But I'm lazy so I might just go back to my simple layout..
We'll see. I still have unstil I think August is what I counted for the end of my current journal.
Posted in ᴡσnᴅєrʟαnᴅ - OPEN
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Blessed day.
Posted in ᴡσnᴅєrʟαnᴅ - OPEN
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Whoo!
Posted in ᴡσnᴅєrʟαnᴅ - OPEN
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Pfft.
Posted in ᴡσnᴅєrʟαnᴅ - OPEN
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Can never be too sure.
Posted in ᴡσnᴅєrʟαnᴅ - OPEN
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Was unsure if these would be a good color contrast for you. :P
Will PM final pieces.
Posted in ᴡσnᴅєrʟαnᴅ - OPEN
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: Listen dork, when I have ever in my life not given you, or anyone else, separate banners for each thing?
That was all together with a watermark for a preview.
Posted in CLOSED
Posted 7 years ago
@Ina: Aww, that blows. Can't a hoe just vent about her suicidal ideation without getting locked up for it? Geez.
What video games have you been playing? When I go out to my mom's my sisters and I have been addicted to Fortnite. lol And my mom just got that Crash Bandicoot trilogy remaster game, so we were playing that for a bit, too.
Cats are good. Love the cat. Snuggle the cat.
I've been alright, trying to recover from the seasonal depression and just get back to the normal depression I can handle. It's working a bit, trying to keep myself on track with my wannabe bullet journal and habit tracker. They help a bit more.
Posted in CLOSED
Posted 7 years ago
@Fade: Mmmhhhmmm, you just like being a pain in my butt! :P
Posted in CLOSED
Posted 7 years ago
@Ina: Hey you! :D
How have you been?
I missed you. :c
@Fade: God dammit!
I just cleared out those things!
Posted in ᴡσnᴅєrʟαnᴅ - OPEN
Posted 7 years ago
@Lady Luna: How does this look?
Posted in Hogwarts: Restoring Power
Posted 7 years ago
Yaaas! Happy birthday to the twins!
Posted in Nerd Hotel::Fill that battery!
Posted 7 years ago
@Kenome: Glad ya like it. ^-^