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Posted in ? Coping with Corona ? craziness ? Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I think tomorrow I'm going to make a Dump Cake, it's so simple to make and I know I have the ingredients on hand so I won't have to go to the grocery store. I've been seeing a lot of mention of things like Depression cake (very few ingredients because it was during the depression time and ingredients were limited} that I think I might try to make.
Posted in ? Coping with Corona ? craziness ? Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I used to spend hours playing zomg! I was so sad when they took it away, so excited when they brought it back, then back to being sad because by then nobody was around to play it. I had a lot of fun though, good memories.
I much prefer to bake, than to cook. Now that I'm feeling better I might start baking to help with this boredom.
Posted in ? Coping with Corona ? craziness ? Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Yes! I love baking pies so I thought this was perfect! I discovered this cute tail too! I'm trying to figure out some cute backgrounds (names of items). It's a slow process lol
I was actually looking up a site I used to go on years ago (Roliana) and I somehow stumbled onto this site!
I used to go on a few others but I forgot the names, and I used to play zomg on Gaia. I love dressing up avis
Posted in ? Coping with Corona ? craziness ? Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: It really helped me earlier today, I was so sick of watching netflix lol ofc I'm going to watch it tonight bt I seriously needed a break. You changed your avi! So cute!!
@Eruca: awww thank you! I'm truly grateful to be on the road of recovery.
I'm so glad I found this site! It seems fun so far and friendly. It definitely helps with lack of irl socializing.
I have a question maybe you can answer? Do we get volts from puzzles? Or is posting the way to earn volts?
@Totalanimefan: in the 1st couple weeks it was hard to find water and bread (people were really fast to buy it up) but now it's gotten better. We were able to buy a package of tpaper at Costco and I'm hoping the dog food I bought online will be ready in the next day or so (ordered it 2 weeks ago). I think not enough people are taking the whole stay home thing serious, and they need to. I was afraid to go out at all in fear of getting others sick, they just don't truly understand how horrific it is. I'm glad to hear you are doing good! We stocked up on Mac and Cheese and after this whole thing is over I will probably never want Mac and Cheese again lol
@Eruca: Thank you for the trade! I'm sorry for the slow reply, I'm still trying to find my way around lol
@Totalanimefan: yes, and honestly it was the worst illness I've ever had! It completely hits you like a ton of bricks, and it truly felt like it was never going to get better. I'm grateful to be feeling better but I have been stuck inside so long that I just want to get back to my normal life.
How have you been doing?
@Totalanimefan: unfortunately I became sick on March 10th, my dr put me on quarantine and 2 days ago I finally felt I had gotten thru it. We are still on the quarantine but I'm happy to not be so sick now, just feeling a bit cabin fever.
Posted in ? Coping with Corona ? craziness ? Posted 5 years ago
I'm really starting to feel the quarantine, I am ready to go back to being outside and socializing but on the bright side I found this site!
@Totalanimefan: so true! Thank you for the trade, I hope I did it right ...I didn't realize I needed to verify my email but I think I have it all sorted out
Honestly I think this quarantine is getting to my head haha
@Totalanimefan: thank you! I'm embarrassed to admit how long it took me to find what shop had eyes lol
Posted in Voltra's Upside Down! Posted 5 years ago
I'm completely new (just made an account today) and the pages frequently were flipping upside down on me and since it's my 1st day I thought maybe this site just did that lol
Happy Aprils fools haha
Hey there! I'm absolutely new and pretty lost, everyones avi looks so cute!