Bangarang's posts
Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: Just passing time til class. Got to school super early. So just wasting time. .

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: There is nothing wrong with that.

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
@another movie addict: I am just passing time before my next class. And I am doing well.
@mdom: Hello. Though I am not nearly as colorful as you are.
@mdom: Hello. Though I am not nearly as colorful as you are.

Posted in The sanctuary
Posted 7 years ago
Hello. How is everyone today?

Posted in Good Evening!!
Posted 7 years ago
@q t e a p o n: Piggy!! Can I pet it?
@miss kitty: Yes I have. Plenty. Gaia, rolina (before it shut down), recolor, menewsha, sapherna, solia, caedon, syndrone. Quite a few. Usually use the same name too. And I like it. Going to take some getting use to but I'll get it.
@miss kitty: Yes I have. Plenty. Gaia, rolina (before it shut down), recolor, menewsha, sapherna, solia, caedon, syndrone. Quite a few. Usually use the same name too. And I like it. Going to take some getting use to but I'll get it.

Posted in Good Evening!!
Posted 7 years ago
Hey everyone. I'm Bangarang, Bang for short. I am new!!!