Biohazard's posts
Posted in Just jumping off the Battle Bus
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Thank you for the donation! I've looked around a little, done a little shopping and a few puzzles. Mostly waiting till tomorrow to get into everything proper since I'll be more awake then.

Posted in Just jumping off the Battle Bus
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Oh! Now that I think about it, I was on a site called Goatlings under this name! Could it be from there?

Posted in Just jumping off the Battle Bus
Posted 5 years ago

Have you ever been on any other sites? I feel like I know you

Have you ever been on any other sites? I feel like I know you
I've been on a few other sites but I don't believe I've used this specific name! Perhaps it was someone else under the same name?

Posted in Just jumping off the Battle Bus
Posted 5 years ago
Howdy all Maxine here. I'm sorry to say but the title was a lie, I live here on the Battle Bus now. John Wick and Skull Trooper are my dads now. They're great fathers and I'm happy to live here above Fortnite Island with them.
Other than my life in the Battle Bus I've been playing nothing but Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Nan is my favourite villager and I'm searching for her depserately. How is everyone? If y'all play AC, who's your favourite villager?
Other than my life in the Battle Bus I've been playing nothing but Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Nan is my favourite villager and I'm searching for her depserately. How is everyone? If y'all play AC, who's your favourite villager?