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    I’m doing well! I get off of work soonish so I’m so glad to go home and rest tomorrow. I have some homework so I’ll be doing that and may have more time to post on here

    @Wildfire: hi there! How have you been? I’m getting off of work soon and I’m heading to home to rest and then it’s the weekend!

    Hello good evening everyone! How are we?

Posted in a Posted 5 years ago

    I’m so glad it’s the weekend! No work I can relax tomorrow!

Posted in Trading Crate items, Rigs, and Event items! Posted 5 years ago

    @Crowly: I would be willing to purchase the Violet’s dress with volts.

    @Wildfire: what about a T?

    Anyhing new happening around you?

    @Wildfire: what about N?

    Yeah I’m just gonna take it slow!

    @Wildfire: yeah its weird But I think it’ll be fine since I’ve been pretty consistent in going to sleep at the right time the past 3 nights this week

    @sunny: maybe, right now it doesn’t feel like it but when it’s closer to time to go it will pass so quickly

    @Lina: I’m waiting on that fall weather to come. It doesn’t make much of a different but I do love those autumn breezes

    @Wildfire: the hours are good but I’m guessing my body has to adjust to those hours now. I was getting by with very little but now Im conditioned to that so now that I’m sleepin more my body needs to adjust and not be tired

    @sunny: all day I get off early in the evening so it’s just 11 AM so I have about her 4-5 hours to go
    @Wildfire: nothing much new going on at this time I am wanting to try my best to fix my sleeping schedule and it’s working but the quality of the sleep has caught up with the amount of hours I sleep

    @Wildfire: I’m gonna guess R.

    I have been doing much better. Work has been busy and schoolwork is getting done when I can get it done but other then that I’m good.

    @sunny: I’m at work right now just working