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Posted in Share The Love: Raffle Posted 5 years ago

Here we go! <3 rolling this is just a cute idea!

Posted in Stimulus Checks Posted 5 years ago

@Wildfire: yeah and my state just announced that they public schools K-12 are not going back to school for the remainder of the school year..,

Okay I’m going to have to go disappear for a bit I’ll be back on later!

Dang I’m at a fourth of that lol xD

Same you gotta insert yourself. Also I know I’m behind on the curve but dang I’ve jumped in envelopes xD I woke up with 100 but I have doubled that lol

Yeah if work wasn’t slow it’d be same for me. XD

Please go eat I already had lunch!

Alright see you when you get back!

That’s a good idea though. *light bulbs*

Yeah work comes and goes and whatnot. So yeah. Also I’m wondering if we can spark enough scribing to get the posting goal done during this event that would be wild

And it did! I felt like I didn’t do much today and I didn’t but then work came in and left and it just happened so bam

Yeah I guess lol. I won’t be able to sit there and play jigsaw so I’ll be posting mostly plus volts so... xD

100 pages would be hecka dope. XD

Party party party party!!!! I can’t believe it’s already 3 freaking PM.

Oh damn 50 pages already wow.