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Posted in the cafe | hangout Posted 7 years ago
@chai: Oh but wouldn't that be cheating? :vanora_sweat:
-thinks- Is it a tree?
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi Posted 7 years ago
Lyle stood up and took her hand in his, leading her out of his room and walking down the hall towards her own room. "I wouldn't worry about tomorrow." he whispered softly. "You'll do fine. I'm sure your training won't be so lengthy. I hope not anyway but you seem to be walking straight so maybe you won't have to undergo that training. We'll see tomorrow what your teachers think though." he commented honestly. Hopefully she wouldn't have trouble with it.
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi Posted 7 years ago
Lyle continued to read out quietly as it got darker outside. Eventually he had to fold the corner of the page and closed the book, looking at Aria. "Alright, we read enough for tonight." He said and kissed her forehead. "It's time for both of us to get some sleep. I'll walk you to your room." he said softly and tucked some of her hair behind her ear. He knew she probably didn't want to sleep, but it was very late and she needed to get plenty of sleep to prepare for tomorrow.
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi Posted 7 years ago
Lyle was glad that she liked her room, he could only imagine what it looked like. Much nicer that was she was previously used to. "I appreciate wanting to read, but if you're tired you should get some sleep. You do have a busy day tomorrow." he pointed out. However, he knew Aria wouldn't sleep until they read together first. He took the book she handed over and smiled when he saw what book it was. The very first book they ever read together. "How appropriate." he admitted quietly. "Very well then, let's read." he said and led her to his room; it was the only place they ever actually read in.

Lyle opened the door for her and then closed it behind them. He led her to his bed where he sat down and pat the spot next to him for her to sit down as well. Once she did and once they were both comfortable, he read the title of the book quietly then opened up to the first chapter where he began to read aloud but quietly so that he wouldn't disturb anyone in the castle. This book brought back many memories. He remembered how surprised they both were when they realized that they both had a passion for books. It was nice.
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi Posted 7 years ago
"Excuse me, it's late and I promised Aria we could read a bit before bed." Lyle explained. His father nodded. "Oh, she's in her new room dear, perhaps sleeping but you can go check if you'd like." His mother said then told him which room was hers. Nodding, Lyle gave his mother a kiss on the cheek only to have her kiss his un injured cheek in return. It was sweet, but it was emberassing when she would do that in front of other people. "Goodnight mother, father." Lyle left his parents who instructed the servants to clean the place up then headed to their own room to sleep.

As Lyle walked towards Aria's new room, he wondered if she would like it. He also couldn't help but wonder what kind of ring she would prefer. Solid gold? What could be better right? With a large diamond. Yes, that sounded very nice and surely she'd love that. Since he was deep in thought, he didn't really notice where he was going and accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh I've very sorry. I-" he looked over and saw it was Aria. "I thought you were in your new room? Did you not like it?" he asked then noticed she had a book with her. "Already chose the book to read?" he asked with a smirk as he helped her up.
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi Posted 7 years ago
"It's always a shame when the parties end." The queen said softly then she remembered something. "Oh! I should go show Aria her new room. Be right back." with that, the queen left to find Aria and when she did, she motioned for the girl to follow her. They walked down the halls until reaching a door which the queen opened for her. "Here is your new room. I hope you like it." she said. The room was beautiful. Filled with lavish furniture needed in a room and a large bed just begging to be slept on. "I'll let you get comfortable. Don't stay up late, you have a busy day tomorrow." She said with a smile before turning and leaving her there.

"I'll have to start looking at rings for Aria. I need to find one that's perfect." Lyle said to his father as he crossed his arms across his chest. "You don't need to rush into this Lyle. You have a year. Take some time to actually spend time with her." His father suggested. Lyle knew his father had a point, maybe the ring could actually wait a few days, it wasn't like there was actually any rush. Besides, he'd rather spend time with her than go out shopping anyway. "Yes...I suppose you're right." Lyle answered.
Posted in CLOSED Posted 7 years ago
Ana - Aww man! D:
-heads over to detention-
Posted in Item Suggestion Thread Posted 7 years ago
Fig leaves for us naked volties. :D
Posted in Kimmi x Boss Rimi Posted 7 years ago
Lyle made a mental note of this information and hugged her back, lightly stroking her hair. "If you need any help, just let me know. I mean for moving, not for changing." he said then thought for a moment. It was getting late and they all needed to get some sleep, but some reading wouldn't hurt. "Alright then, we can read for a while. Not too long though, it's late." he replied and let her go. "Off you go, I need to speak with my parents." Lyle commented.
Posted in Voltra's First Shop, constantly resting [OPEN] Posted 7 years ago
-rolls around the thread-
Good morning everyone. :)
Posted in CLOSED Posted 7 years ago
Good morning, am I late for class?
Posted in The Boss Family Posted 7 years ago
I'm rather tired actually.
Just woke up but I was sorta able to get some sleep last night.
Sorta. How are you?
Posted in The Penthouse (Open) Posted 7 years ago
Woah, people actually post here?
Shame Manda Panda.
It's okay though, we still love you. :)