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@blinkini: Well....good I think? I don't know, the site seems slow. D:
@blinkini: Well I thought I'd check out the site and try to actually chat more. :vanora_sweat:
Good afternoon everybody.
Posted in Panda's Palace Posted 7 years ago
@Panda: Really? -thinks- Ummm... I think I know you? :vanora_sweat:
@fuuchan: omg that sounds sooo good! :vanora_cry:
Ahhh okay, thanks! I've never seen the movie but I've seen bits of it, it was a really good movie from what I saw.
@fuuchan: Hahahha Nice!
Totally random question, but where is the gif in your signature from?
@fuuchan: Sorry! So sorry! I left to get myself a snack and something for this headache.
@Fuuchan: I'm kind of just messing around right now, trying to figure out the layout for my hangout.
@fuuchan: It would really come in handy. I mean, how else are we supposed to check if the posts look good? lol
@Fuuchan: Wish they had a preview button before you actually posted something though.
Hmmm, perhaps in the future. :)
@Fuuchan: Yeah! I think those three colors will work really well together!
@Fuuchan: Yesss and maybe browns too. Maybe. :D
Oh man that sounds nice already.
@Fuuchan: Colorful threads are pretty!
I kind of want to make mine more laid back.
Penthouse just sounds like a really chill place. Also reminds me of a place where a bunch of shady stuff would occur. lol
@Fuuchan: See, that's what I want. I don't want my hangout to look plain either. lol
I'll have to figure something out eventually.
For now I'll just try to chat and rake in those volts. heheh