Bunnypirate's posts
Posted in So If I make this topic now
Posted 7 years ago
Too bad it's dark outside

Posted in So If I make this topic now
Posted 7 years ago
My electricity bill is already high enough as it is....

Posted in So If I make this topic now
Posted 7 years ago
@Fozzy: So this has happened before..... Must just love time travel I guess!

Posted in What is your Hogwarts house? Why?
Posted 7 years ago
I am a proud Hufflepuff! I am loyal and like to be everyone's friend, even if I am shy. I could also fit in with Ravenclaw, but I would rather be friendly and fair to people than worry about being the smartest.

Posted in So If I make this topic now
Posted 7 years ago
We are all now official time travelers

Posted in So If I make this topic now
Posted 7 years ago
I noticed this with a message and thought it was because I had messed with my time zone settings! Glad it isn't just me :vanora_sweat:

Posted in Random Poll: City or Country?
Posted 7 years ago
I have lived in both throughout my life, and have found that each has its own appeal. The city is more fun, but the country gives you more peace so it all depends on what you feel comfortable with. I currently live in a suburb of a large city, so I can have both if I want and that's how I like it.

Posted in Stop It! D<
Posted 7 years ago

@Tuijp: Well there's plenty of space around here xD
I used to have neighbours who would set an alarm to wake them up at 5:30 AM... which they always slept through. So I had to lay there and listen to their alarm clock for 20 minutes sometimes. xD
I used to have neighbours who would set an alarm to wake them up at 5:30 AM... which they always slept through. So I had to lay there and listen to their alarm clock for 20 minutes sometimes. xD

I always have to set multiple alarms every morning to wake up, so I know how that feels. lol

Posted in Tomorrow...
Posted 7 years ago
I am new here, so I'm excited to see what new stuff there will be!