Cartymar21's posts
Posted in Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu
Posted 5 years ago
@Xanthan: It's okay! I will make the best out of it!! I hope the day has been treating you well.

Posted in Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu
Posted 5 years ago
@Xanthan: Thank you for this. I, unfortunately, have to revisit a few memories in order to submit a withdrawal form from a year that I really was not doing my best mentally. It's going to be a little difficult, since I do not recall 100% of what happened, and that I have to jump through a few hoops in order to access the resources needed to follow up on what they (my school) needs, but hopefully I'll be able to erase a problem year and recover from it.

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 5 years ago
@Lina: I really did enjoy Syn's avatar designs so much better than Gaia's as well, but I only played on there for only a small amount of time. Which is really tragic comparatively to how it just crashed and burned.

Posted in Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu
Posted 5 years ago
@Xanthan: So far it has been! I have no complaints, other than the fact that my "a" button is giving me a hard time.
It's a good place to keep myself absently busy, and to make a few friends. uwu

It's a good place to keep myself absently busy, and to make a few friends. uwu

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 5 years ago
@honeybee: Will do!! I promise that much!
@Lina: Thank you so much for the invite! I'd also love to get to know you. It's super nice to be here, and I think the place is adorable and lovely so far.
@totalanimefan: hehehe I will do that! Thank you very much!!
@Lina: Thank you so much for the invite! I'd also love to get to know you. It's super nice to be here, and I think the place is adorable and lovely so far.
@totalanimefan: hehehe I will do that! Thank you very much!!

Posted in I don't have time for fatigue D<
Posted 5 years ago
Hoping work doesn't kick your butt today like it did yesterday. (haha literally) But make sure to keep hydrated! The worst that can happen from food poisoning is dehydration. Best wishes to your guts and head.

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 5 years ago
@moomin: I really liked syn and was super sad to find out that things died for them, but I'm happy to be here.
@icedchai: heyyo! welcome in, as well! This has been a really enjoyable avatar site to get into so far, so I have no complaints. Everyone looks like they're having fun, especially since they're all very nice. uwu
@icedchai: heyyo! welcome in, as well! This has been a really enjoyable avatar site to get into so far, so I have no complaints. Everyone looks like they're having fun, especially since they're all very nice. uwu

Posted in Camp Breaker Has Officially Closed for the Summer!
Posted 5 years ago
Can't wait to participate in the next event! Tysm for this one!

Posted in ETA for Commons Surge!
Posted 5 years ago
I hope all is well, thank you for the update!

Posted in Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu
Posted 5 years ago

Now that's a fun fact that he didn't live to be able to tell.
I went into a Facebook rabbit-hole of those sketchy news website that enlightened me of the fact that people probably put something on the bottom of Niagara Falls to make it keep flowing as fast as it has been. Who knew? Or maybe it was a fake little thing that I didn't even want to finish due to ads and the potential of virus.

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 5 years ago
@vitreus: Heck!! That would be so nice of you, and I really appreciate the tips on the preview post- it makes things a whole lot easier regarding text post creation.
@sunny: Thank you so much for the tip, I will check that out.
@HoneyBee: Give me a second and I will see about accepting it! Thank you so much, and I will be sure to pay you in return, or pay it forward.
@lilmisskushy: ty!!!! I will check it out!!! It seems like a lot of people suggest the undercurrent.
@Deaa: tysm! I will have a whole lot of fun doing that.
@totalanimefan: I'll bring some friends in!! It seems really friendly so far.
@xanthan: uwu Thank you so much, I did see one of your discussions pop up and I will absolutely see about joining your hang-out once in a while.
@sunny: Thank you so much for the tip, I will check that out.
@HoneyBee: Give me a second and I will see about accepting it! Thank you so much, and I will be sure to pay you in return, or pay it forward.
@lilmisskushy: ty!!!! I will check it out!!! It seems like a lot of people suggest the undercurrent.
@Deaa: tysm! I will have a whole lot of fun doing that.
@totalanimefan: I'll bring some friends in!! It seems really friendly so far.
@xanthan: uwu Thank you so much, I did see one of your discussions pop up and I will absolutely see about joining your hang-out once in a while.

Posted in Parenting and School Starting
Posted 5 years ago
Hey there! I just wanted to give some support in the matter of trying to gather resources for parents in education, especially since the times are a little rocky. It's nice to see that you're trying to get things up and running. I may have English learning resources for anyone who may need it, as I am a student who had taken courses in such - cert in ESL.

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 5 years ago
Hi there! Thank you, I just realized that after I submitted the new forum. uwu
Any tips and tricks for the site? It's a pleasure to meet you.
Any tips and tricks for the site? It's a pleasure to meet you.

Posted in Hello! Newbie here.
Posted 5 years ago
The name's Carty, and I'm excited to be here. I'm a 22 y/o college student in America, and I used to play on a lot of forum avatar sites in the past such as Syndrone Online, Gaia, and the like. I'm just here to check out the place, really, and to see if it's worth it to invite a few friends to hang out here.
The avatar creation system is a bit funky, and I have nooooo idea how to earn volts, so I'm going to have to be half-naked for a while until I figure things out!
Anyhow, it's nice to be here.

The name's Carty, and I'm excited to be here. I'm a 22 y/o college student in America, and I used to play on a lot of forum avatar sites in the past such as Syndrone Online, Gaia, and the like. I'm just here to check out the place, really, and to see if it's worth it to invite a few friends to hang out here.
The avatar creation system is a bit funky, and I have nooooo idea how to earn volts, so I'm going to have to be half-naked for a while until I figure things out!

Anyhow, it's nice to be here.