Cats's posts
Posted in The Sandbox [Art] ⇒ Shop: CLOSED ⇄ Freebies: OPEN
Posted 7 years ago

@Mica: I'm glad I get to use them again, along with these little emotes!

It's nice to be baccckkk, it feels so exciting.

Posted in The Sandbox [Art] ⇒ Shop: CLOSED ⇄ Freebies: OPEN
Posted 7 years ago

@Mica: Hello!! Why are your eyes sore? ; - ;

Posted in The Sandbox [Art] ⇒ Shop: CLOSED ⇄ Freebies: OPEN
Posted 7 years ago

/Looks around.
There's an alarmingly small amount of cats around here, I think it's time to drop in.

Posted in Welcome Home!!!
Posted 7 years ago

It'sss aliveeeeeeee!

Posted in I am so angry right now
Posted 7 years ago

@vengeance: That's great! It makes me happy to know a lil kitty is safe and sound.

Posted in I am so angry right now
Posted 7 years ago

Oh no, that's awful... ;-;
I would legitimately be so upset if that happened.
Maybe she'll come around soon if she gets hungry?

Posted in 【The Black Box】⋙ Deactivated ⋙ ERROR 33002
Posted 7 years ago

@Dowan: In my case, I mostly play mid, so I'm excited to have a new option available in the mage category. :3 But yeah, I fully expect to see people playing her pretty much everywhere as they figure her out and such. Luckily I've had a little practice on the PBE with her so I should be alright to not *completely* feed right away.
I'm gunna guess you're Mister Sheep? That's a cute as heck name.

@Mica: I'll keep my eyes open for it!
Yeah, I think it's 10 / 8 / 6 as it ranks up, but it's not too bad since she's not an assassin or anything! She just uses it to reposition and then she teleports back right after. uwu I think people just consider some champions to be associated with toxic players, so it ruins the image of the character themselves even though it shouldn't. It's the people's fault for being sucky. ; - ; There's also some that I just can't (or refuse to) play even after like 5 years, so I totally feel that. Aha.

Posted in 【The Black Box】⋙ Deactivated ⋙ ERROR 33002
Posted 7 years ago

@Dowan: Yesss! She's technically a mid poke/burst mage I believe, but I'm sure that won't stop people from taking her as a support, too. >___>
N yeah, it was during the christmas event last year, with all those silly tokens and stuff. I just knew I wanted it really badly! All the poros are super cute though.

I don't mind people knowing my SN so I'll just post it here. :3 It's Nekoh. (Big surprise!)
@Mica: That sounds great.~ I wish you good luck with all your busy stuffs, especially that test, that sounds rough as heck!
Her teleporty ability goes down to around a 6 second cooldown so... yeah, she's gunna be blinking around all over the place like the maniac she is. I also uh.. like a lot of the champions most people hate, like Riven and Yasuo, but I also love Ahri and Xayah!

Posted in 【The Black Box】⋙ Deactivated ⋙ ERROR 33002
Posted 7 years ago

@Mica: I'll look forward to it patiently! (Purrhaps not so patiently, but I will try!)
And yeah, she seems really neat and quirky, like she'll be a lotta fun to have around. :3
(I guess my name fits pretty well, then.)

Posted in What are you currently listening to?
Posted 7 years ago

I'm currently listening to the AC:NL Soundtrack..

Posted in My sight is glazing
Posted 7 years ago

Shhhh, just close your eyes.

Posted in 【The Black Box】⋙ Deactivated ⋙ ERROR 33002
Posted 7 years ago

@Mica: Oh, well that's good, because I *do* have plenty left to use! Hehee.

Maybe we can play some ARAMs or somethin' sometime then, sounds like it could be fun!
@Dowan: Oh yes, I check for all the updates pretty frequently, I'm actually kinda excited for the new champ coming soon!

I think I just have an addiction to cute things. I love the poro emotes, and use all the different poro icons and such. :'3

This one is my favorite!

Posted in 【The Black Box】⋙ Deactivated ⋙ ERROR 33002
Posted 7 years ago

@Dowan: I tried to stop playing pretty early on, and I also quit when Overwatch came out for a little while, but it always manages to catch my interest again. I just love so many of the champions so much for their looks and themes that I end up reading about it and talking about it even when I don't *want* to.
And yeah, I think it was about a week ago, when the preseason started, one of the missions for playing a game rewards a different emote for 500+, 1,500+ and 2,500+ hours. I was pretty shocked with the one I got. ;-;
I personally just like the poro emotes, eheh. Who would have guessed?
@Mica: I can stop with the gifs, but mutie has to stay. I love that little cutie too much!
And I share the same sentiment, honestly. As long as I'm playing with people that are having fun, I'm usually all good, but ranked gives me anxiety. People take it too seriously so I can never play enough of it to actually get anywhere. Also I'm sorry about the ping, that suuucks. 3:

Posted in 【The Black Box】⋙ Deactivated ⋙ ERROR 33002
Posted 7 years ago

@Mica: Hehehe, I'll cool it on the cat gifs for a little bit.

I think ARAM is a lot more chill to play with friends for some short games and silly fun, so I do enjoy those, even if sometimes the RNG is a little troll. :'3
I play almost every champ anyways so it doesn't bother me much.
@Dowan: I'm about the same, started in 2012, and my soul was sold since that day. With the new preseason I just got an awful reminder that I've spent over 2,500 hours on this terrible game because of the dumb emote they gave me. ;___;
I used to prefer normals by far, and have played way too many, but I grew to love ARAM over time because of the friends I play with.