Concentricity's posts
Posted in CLOSED
Posted 7 years ago
Stuffers? o_o How you sleeping and watching stuff?

Posted in Just look at this:
Posted 7 years ago
Makes me happy to be a part of it! I just hope it keeps growing!

Posted in The 16th Anniversary of September 11th
Posted 7 years ago
@Neko: I am the exact same way--I understand completely what you mean. Hopefully today won't be so bad on her. <3

Posted in The 16th Anniversary of September 11th
Posted 7 years ago
@Neko: Yeah, I'd say I would too. They didn't evacuate us because they didn't want all the parents leaving work, people being on the road, causing hysteria, etc. Now that I think about it a lot of kids were checked out of school that day though. I hope your sister copes well with her PTSD. :<

Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: LOL. Well, I mean, if people want to start dropping their pants and going to it, who am I to stop them? :P
I won't join in though. XD
I won't join in though. XD

Posted 7 years ago
This is probably the most bumping place out of all of Panda's threads. o_o

Posted in New to here, not to avatar sites!
Posted 7 years ago
@Totalanimefan: yeah, not good at all. I would agree. Wages are going to have to go up to compensate. I can't imagine the cost of literal SPACE has to go up 10%.

Posted in The 16th Anniversary of September 11th
Posted 7 years ago
@Tuijp: That was some good fortune on your part ... had a friend in the mainland of New York just about 30 minutes train ride from NYC. He said it was mayhem. He was 9.

Posted in CLOSED
Posted 7 years ago
Ew, I know those suck. I plan on getting mine in the morning always because a) most accurate time for weighing yourself, and b) the longer the day goes, the more they get behind on appointments and the longer the wait times.

Posted in Back Pack or Book Bag?
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: LOL, Fadoodlin. I've heard of some crazy terms for that as well. I personally like referring to men and women as guys and dolls/dames.

Posted in Back Pack or Book Bag?
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: It is definitely from the 1920s, I'll say that much. XD

Posted in Back Pack or Book Bag?
Posted 7 years ago
Back pack. XD My grandfather, may he rest in peace, called them book satchels.

Posted in The 16th Anniversary of September 11th
Posted 7 years ago
I always wonder how September 11, 2001 personally affected everyone. It's always a subject of discussion each year based on where someone lived or whether or not they were even cognizant of the event. Each year, I become more and more aware that folks I frequent with--especially in the avatar site world--weren't even AROUND for September 11, 2001. So, here's a question for you all--
Where were you during the events of September 11, 2001?
Personally, I went the whole day through 6th grade, unknowing. Finally at the end of the day before we were waiting to be released to the buses and car lanes, our chorus teacher lashed out at us to shut up so he could hear the news from his computer. The teachers had kept it silent from us all day to avoid panic. But that evening I was glued to the TV, even as an 11 year old.
Where were you during the events of September 11, 2001?
Personally, I went the whole day through 6th grade, unknowing. Finally at the end of the day before we were waiting to be released to the buses and car lanes, our chorus teacher lashed out at us to shut up so he could hear the news from his computer. The teachers had kept it silent from us all day to avoid panic. But that evening I was glued to the TV, even as an 11 year old.

Posted in Please Lock
Posted 7 years ago
I'll bump the bid up to 390.
Morning, everyone. How's Monday?
Morning, everyone. How's Monday?