Concentricity's posts
Posted in Concentric Circles: Caro's Art Shop [FULL UP!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lithinel: Not a problem at all! I'm excited to get to work on it. Only wish I had my tablet on me right now. ._.
I'll start on it this weekend though, promise!
I'll start on it this weekend though, promise!

Posted in Concentric Circles: Caro's Art Shop [FULL UP!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lithinel: I'll let you know when I start and then you can start up the trade with me. I won't finish it until I'm done and you're satisfied. :)

Posted in Concentric Circles: Caro's Art Shop [FULL UP!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Lithinel: WOOO! I accept! It will definitely be at least a waist-up--I can attempt a full body, but no promises that I will like the way the legs turn out. I'm always so iffy about it in the end and then crop them out anyway. :P
I'm without my tablet until this weekend though--I hope it's alright that I'll be starting it later on this week?
I'm without my tablet until this weekend though--I hope it's alright that I'll be starting it later on this week?

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@Chai: Funnily enough I do like just getting those cube storage shelves. XD Easy to stack and they really go about anywhere.
@Lina: Where are we supposed to be aside from in here? :O
@Lina: Where are we supposed to be aside from in here? :O

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@Chai: Helllll no! Such a bore. We're trying to unpack AND do decorating at the same time and it is a huge mess. I wish we could get everything placed where it needs to go, but we need more shelves and storage, hence why we're trying to find out what to get to decorate for shelf space. ._.

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@chai: It's going--just doing the unpacking thing. How've you been?
@Ravaen: Oh yeah? I've never moved back to a place before aside from home for the summer from college to my folks. Even then I didn't take anything back and forth from my apartment in college town.
@Ravaen: Oh yeah? I've never moved back to a place before aside from home for the summer from college to my folks. Even then I didn't take anything back and forth from my apartment in college town.

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@Ravaen: Ugh, it's been annoying. I mean, I love the new place. It's in the city, it's bigger than the one we were in, and I like the views better. But we have soooo much to unpack and I got a cold in the middle of it all. .-.
*Waves frantically at @chai*
*Waves frantically at @chai*

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
@Ravaen: Hey there! I'm doing okay. Husband and I are SLOWLY working on getting all our stuff unpacked from our move to the new apartment. We got all our clothes put away today, WOO!

Posted in 〖The Spooky Box 〗 ⇏ Free Art & Stories! OPEN! ⇩
Posted 7 years ago
@Luffer Nutter: I'm actually shocked at how I wasn't distracted today doing work. I got a lot done--more than I planned for the day's hours.

Posted in 〖The Spooky Box 〗 ⇏ Free Art & Stories! OPEN! ⇩
Posted 7 years ago
@Unicorn: Hey, I'm doing okay. Just winding down for the rest of the day. This working at home thing is reeeeally nice. No travel time to and from places, so I get more time actually to myself instead of being in traffic.

Posted in bone appetite || open (free art and game prizes)
Posted 7 years ago
I must chat here. >_> The chance of art demands it.

Posted in 〖The Spooky Box 〗 ⇏ Free Art & Stories! OPEN! ⇩
Posted 7 years ago
Afternoon everyone!
Done with work for the day. :3
Afternoon everyone!
Done with work for the day. :3

Posted in Doodle Shop [CLOSED/ MOVED]
Posted 7 years ago
@crimsonqueen97: Omg, I am in LOVE with your art. I hope you get well soon because I would love to commission you!

Posted in 〖The Spooky Box 〗 ⇏ Free Art & Stories! OPEN! ⇩
Posted 7 years ago
@Saeyra: I suppose so! Sagittarius and Capricorns, right? I'm not one for zodiacs, but apparently there might be something to it based on us. XD
@Boris: Yes, very good wisdom! I also like the use of those disintegrating lavender and eucalyptus bath salts that really get your nasal passages open!
@Boris: Yes, very good wisdom! I also like the use of those disintegrating lavender and eucalyptus bath salts that really get your nasal passages open!