Cryptid's posts
Posted in Private 1x1
Posted 5 years ago
The wolf continued walking as the girl spoke, but the swivel of its ear showed it was listening to her. Although it clearly wouldn't speak, it did turn back to look at her after her request. The wolf knew the city streets very well. It turned its head in the direction of High Street, even though it couldn't be seen yet. Perhaps its way of saying yes, it could take her there.
The wolf came to a hard stop as the girl wondered about its true identity, whipping its head back to look at her with perked ears. How could she speak so casually of werewolves? There were books about them? How would anyone have that information? Flicking its ears back behind its head, maybe in annoyance, it turned to face forward again. Nothing could be kept a secret in this age, could it?
As the girl thanked the wolf once again, it turned down an intersection at the end of the alley... in the opposite direction of High Street. Maybe the girl was talking too much. But as it slipped around the corner, it stopped again to look back at her. Waiting for her to follow, despite the wrong direction, it padded with a bit more speed down the new alleyway. There was a large dumpster ahead, pushed slightly askew to block half of the alley. The wolf squeezed its large body through the gap, then ducked mostly out of sight behind it.
The sound that first alarmed the earlier thugs began again, the crackling and muffled snapping like breaking bones. A soft growl, slightly pained followed it, until both sounds quieted to silence. The silence persisted for a moment, broken by an exhausted sigh and then the ruffling of cloth. Sneakers scuffed the ground as a figure emerged from around the dumpster, straightening out a plain black long-sleeve shirt around their waist. A young man, with pale skin and long dark hair stepped out through the gap, having no struggle to fit with their long, lanky limbs. The first thing of note was that he was very, very tall and skinny. The second was that his eyes were a very familiar, albeit duller grey.
Adjusting the black beanie on his head, he walked towards the girl, then past her down the alley the way she had came. The man looked back at her, then nodded his head in the direction of High Street.

Posted in Names A to Z
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Private 1x1
Posted 5 years ago
The massive wolf stopped mid-stride, one long ear swiveling back as the girl tailed behind it. Turning its head with the same unnerving jerking motion, it fixed both ghastly eyes upon her. It stared unblinking for one prolonged moment, maybe pondering what to do with her. Then, it lowered its head and continued walking down the dark alley, but at a notably slower pace.
It was now that its movement could be seen for what it was. It looked painful, walking on long, gaunt legs with sharp shoulders. Every bone beneath its skin seemed jagged, like someone's macabre rendition of what a wolf should look like if its limbs were stretched. Its teeth were too large, a few fangs curving out from its closed mouth. Its fur was matted in black tufts, every strand as long as the girl's forearm. Its long tail hung straight down between its hind legs, paws struggling to take each step. But even with all of its shambling and rigid frame, it looked to be very strong. How a beast so large had gone unnoticed in this town was a mystery.
Steam continued to billow in front of the wolf's face, but only softly through its nose. With all the snapping and snarling it had done before, it may have been shocking to find how silent it could be. Perhaps that was why it had gone undiscovered. Even when walking, it didn't make a sound.
Once, it paused to look back over its shoulder at the girl, but then continued its rickety walk. Then again, glancing back at her with a swivel of its ear. Perhaps it was making sure she was still there.

Posted in A to Z Food & Drinks!
Posted 5 years ago
Quail Eggs???

Posted in Count to 100 before the staff gets us!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Names A to Z
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Animals A - Z
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Pokemon A - Z
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairi: Forgot to @ you but I finally responded to the RP!

Posted in Private 1x1
Posted 5 years ago
Name: Delano
Age: 21

The man didn't seem deterred at all, but because his attention slowly drifted towards something else. Keeping his tight grip on the girl, he turned his head incrementally back the way she had come from. Steadily rising over the sound of her struggle, there was a cracking. A shattering sound, like bones splintering, but it went on and on with a deep, muffled rumbling. The woman on her phone stalled, holding it face-up in her open palm as she too turned her head towards the sound. All three of the goons watched the corner, too perplexed by the blood-curdling noise to move.
Then there was breathing. Deep, haggard breaths that made their hair stand on end. Breathing that was far too heavy and much too large. The man holding the girl took a half-step back, his eyes widening as steam began to billow from around the corner. In, and out, in, and out. A wet gargle, and then a deep, resonating growl. Startled by the beastly sound, the woman dropped her phone with a dull crack on the pavement.
They all paled as one massive, black paw stepped out from around the corner. Claws like knives scraped the concrete, followed by a giant black head. The head of a wolf, but horrifyingly distorted. The muzzle was too long, the teeth too large, the eyes a glowing, chilling shade of white. Its legs were too long, too thin, and at all the wrong angles. Long black fur rolled over jutting, bony shoulders with each step, its body seeming to twitch and jerk erratically as it rounded the corner to face them. Standing at a monstrous six feet tall on all four paws, huffing steam from its mouth, the void black wolf fixed the man with its cold gaze. It opened its maw with a sharp snarl, jaw moving unnaturally as it seemed to stretch beyond its limit.
Releasing the girl immediately, the men turned on their heels and sprinted screaming down the street. The woman that had been following the girl was frozen to the spot, eyes wide and skin pallid as she watched the creature turn its gaze onto her. Petrified, she crumpled to the pavement, landing in the same spot that she had dropped her phone.
No sooner had the thugs been dispensed, the beast shut its mouth and turned its glowing gaze onto the assaulted girl. Despite the unnatural twitching and shaking of its head, it seemed to have no intention of doing anything to her. Watching her for only a moment, it turned its grotesque frame around and crept back into the alley it had come from.

Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps
Posted 5 years ago
@Kairi: Sounds great!
I have to head to bed already, unfortunately. But if you want to get a thread started for it,
I'll respond as soon as I can tomorrow! Or we can keep brainstorming here.

Posted in Count to 100 before the staff gets us!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Word Disassociation
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Pokemon A - Z
Posted 5 years ago