Crystalkitsune85's posts
Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@Miss Sandman: Oh thank you ^^

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

GMM have had some pretty funny moments. They're a great duo. They've been friends for decades, since they were kids. Now THAT is a life long friendship. I met my friend back in 2003, and we're still friends today. We don't see each other every day, or talk as often as we used to, but we text each other once in a while, and when we're able to, we'll hang out again.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

I mean they've been around for like what...17 seasons? They've kind of stopped with the super horrible food since they have a gourmet chef as their food person, but not all their videos are about food. Sometimes I skip those, depending on how I feel. But I enjoy their videos enough. I also watched old videos of Smosh and Smosh Games, before both of those basically went to crap.
I used to watch Markiplier, and Game Grumps and gamers like that but I have to be in the mood for them. I do like 8-bit Ryan and Game Theory(GTLive) more these days though. I first got into watching Let's Plays through friends, telling me about Pewdiepie. I watched him too until he got too big for his britches and all his videos were trash imo. He doesn't really even do gaming anymore, just videos calling people out on stuff. More vlog-type stuff.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

Yes that's the most iconic song he did. Man now I kinda want to go through watching old Gackt videos. Buuut I'm kinda rewatching Good Mythical Morning videos on Youtube XD.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

The video where Gackt looks like Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

Man this is super nostalgic. I started college in like early 2003. Not long after I moved here. I learned about him sometime after that. Back when he was younger was his optimal time. He was apart of a group called Visual Kei, but I only heard his solo stuff. Like Vanilla and Metamorphoze.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

Instead of using the "Reply to this topic" bar at the bottom go to the left next to the page numbers and do "New Reply" and then there is a drop down menu to do dice rolls or a RNG.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

@koneko: My Dear Koneko, you are missing out then lol. *hand pat*

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

I was looking them up out of curiosity. See what he looks like now. But so many pretty images. I love when he had long hair. That was his optimal "Look like a woman" Phase.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

My grandmother always thought he was a woman.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

Yes, he is a very beautiful man. I did a lot of work involving him as a subject in College. I had a Photoshop class, and I did a lot of extra credit because it was basically a photo manipulation class. I made like two fake CD covers with him on it XD.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Mad Tea Party: Hangout and Raffle
Posted 4 years ago

I enjoyed Metamorphoze. Vanilla was pretty cool too. There's another I can't remember the name of, but I put Gackt's image up on my MYSPACE (yes I'm that old) and I kept getting friend requests. I had to put a disclaimer saying that my picture wasn't really me but a singer. lol.

"Oh, the tired horror!"