Curry's profile

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This music is great. I listened to it at my cousin's wedding and I don't get tired of listening to it.
Hey, I'm Curry! I'm from deep in the heart of Texas. I may drop the Texan accent on ya'll. (whoops there I go!)
I love technology (building pcs or keeping updated with the latest tech information), video games, and drawing/art. I stream sometimes for art mostly.
Although, my avatar is "male" or "androgynous". I'm actually a gal IRL.
Feel free to use whatever pronouns as I am not partial to any as I tend to switch back and forth avatars on most sites.
I drew my own character. Hands are hard to draw (´;д;`)

I love technology (building pcs or keeping updated with the latest tech information), video games, and drawing/art. I stream sometimes for art mostly.
Although, my avatar is "male" or "androgynous". I'm actually a gal IRL.
Feel free to use whatever pronouns as I am not partial to any as I tend to switch back and forth avatars on most sites.
I drew my own character. Hands are hard to draw (´;д;`)

Great conversationalists, Coffee, Milk Tea, Rose Tea, Fraps, Food, Flowers