Deaa's posts
Posted in Closed
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@nyuu: updated the trade!
@nyuu: updated the trade!

Posted in Vermii's Art-Hole - PWYW
Posted 6 years ago

Posted in So...
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@vermii: YES exactly! I think Us does a great job of that too lol I also just really like Us and Jordan Peele~
I wanted to get back into AHS for apocalypse cause it's in the Coven universe and I really really enjoyed Coven
it was my favorite season, like I might rewatch it actually lol
the Roanoke season is kinda messed up and actually freaks me out, but i also kinda want to finish it
ahhh yikes that sounds horrifying o3o;;
yea stuff that's men purposefully mutilating women's bodies in a way like that is very discomforting and I'd rather not if I can avoid it, so i get it
@vermii: YES exactly! I think Us does a great job of that too lol I also just really like Us and Jordan Peele~
I wanted to get back into AHS for apocalypse cause it's in the Coven universe and I really really enjoyed Coven
it was my favorite season, like I might rewatch it actually lol
the Roanoke season is kinda messed up and actually freaks me out, but i also kinda want to finish it

ahhh yikes that sounds horrifying o3o;;
yea stuff that's men purposefully mutilating women's bodies in a way like that is very discomforting and I'd rather not if I can avoid it, so i get it

Posted in Vermii's Art-Hole - PWYW
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@vermii: whoops forgot to tag
@vermii: whoops forgot to tag

Posted in Vermii's Art-Hole - PWYW
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
Do you still need Pumpkin King and Scarecrow? o3o;;
cause i wanna order and i think that might be all i have on your list lol
Do you still need Pumpkin King and Scarecrow? o3o;;
cause i wanna order and i think that might be all i have on your list lol

Posted in Unusual Personality Quirks: What Are Yours?
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
I also talk to myself and animals in the room with me
i sing to myself randomly, which usually means i'm bored and either need to listen to music or entertain myself
i think the weirdest thing i do is check my wrist when i'm trying to estimate an arrival or figure out a time to meet up, etc.
ya'll i don't wear or have a watch, so i'm just staring at my bare wrist thinking about time
I also talk to myself and animals in the room with me
i sing to myself randomly, which usually means i'm bored and either need to listen to music or entertain myself
i think the weirdest thing i do is check my wrist when i'm trying to estimate an arrival or figure out a time to meet up, etc.
ya'll i don't wear or have a watch, so i'm just staring at my bare wrist thinking about time

Posted in FOMO
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@tuijp: oooh i love the love of a very selective animal! makes me feel special
congratulations about that!
@tuijp: oooh i love the love of a very selective animal! makes me feel special
congratulations about that!

Posted in So...
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@vermii: yeeesss me too! that's what I like! I think Us and Bird Box do a good job of that~
that thing was creepy, i still haven't seen that season, and it lowkey put me off the other seasons too
i'm totally good with bloody gore, like sweeny todd or kill bill, but when guts fall out that im like "uuhhh maybe not"
i'm better with it animated tho o: like that vampire anime Castlevania
i watched that and ate lunch just fine lolol
@vermii: yeeesss me too! that's what I like! I think Us and Bird Box do a good job of that~
that thing was creepy, i still haven't seen that season, and it lowkey put me off the other seasons too
i'm totally good with bloody gore, like sweeny todd or kill bill, but when guts fall out that im like "uuhhh maybe not"
i'm better with it animated tho o: like that vampire anime Castlevania
i watched that and ate lunch just fine lolol

Posted in FOMO
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@tuijp: oh wow that sounds really nice, I'm glad you have them!
(and it's really cute when dogs make friends with other dogs ; A; omg)
@thegreatpretender: ahhh well dang, idk then :/
dinner doesn't always have to be big, just one dish works, no sides
i'd say try to look for a day in advance and just try it out
doesn't have to be dinner either, but just something, you know o:
@tuijp: oh wow that sounds really nice, I'm glad you have them!
(and it's really cute when dogs make friends with other dogs ; A; omg)
@thegreatpretender: ahhh well dang, idk then :/
dinner doesn't always have to be big, just one dish works, no sides
i'd say try to look for a day in advance and just try it out
doesn't have to be dinner either, but just something, you know o:

Posted in FOMO
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@mookpooks: all im gonna say to that is they're your friends
like for the most part, if people didn't want to be around you, they won't be. if they wanna hang out, they will~
try reaching out to set up a dinner or something!
@thegreatpretender: oh woowowowowow i could not imagine
maybe host a dinner? (all of my recommendations are dinner-related)
@q t e a p o n: yeah that's what they said, and then they literally went out with me last night, so we're good now xD
@tuijp: i'm glad you found new friends tho!
oh that's nice, i've never had a relationship with a neighbor o:
@nyx: LOL boys make things difficult, especially the feelings
do you sometimes hang out with them?
@mookpooks: all im gonna say to that is they're your friends
like for the most part, if people didn't want to be around you, they won't be. if they wanna hang out, they will~
try reaching out to set up a dinner or something!
@thegreatpretender: oh woowowowowow i could not imagine
maybe host a dinner? (all of my recommendations are dinner-related)
@q t e a p o n: yeah that's what they said, and then they literally went out with me last night, so we're good now xD
@tuijp: i'm glad you found new friends tho!
oh that's nice, i've never had a relationship with a neighbor o:
@nyx: LOL boys make things difficult, especially the feelings
do you sometimes hang out with them?

Posted in Closed
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@nyuu: well if woodland fae is 10-12k, can I just do the rest in volts? o: so woodland and 3k?
@nyuu: well if woodland fae is 10-12k, can I just do the rest in volts? o: so woodland and 3k?

Posted in FOMO
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@kira: that's literally all im saying lol
@kira: that's literally all im saying lol

Posted in FOMO
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
@thegreatpretender: LOL I appreciate your rant so much
and i feel for you, how often do you get to relax or hang with friends?
@thegreatpretender: LOL I appreciate your rant so much
and i feel for you, how often do you get to relax or hang with friends?

Posted in So...
Posted 6 years ago

I would give anything for you to shine down on me
I like horror movies, but i jump easily and i will have trouble sleeping due to anxiety before bed and nightmares for the next week or so, so i have to space them out. my favorite type of horror film to watch are like psycho thrillers and supernatural ones, but if it's just a ghost, i don't really enjoy it cause they rely too heavily on jumpscares and music. I'm good with gore, just not distorted bodies.
I was actually find with clowns until AHS season 4, I saw the first episode and couldn't go further after the clown with part of its face gone.
I like horror movies, but i jump easily and i will have trouble sleeping due to anxiety before bed and nightmares for the next week or so, so i have to space them out. my favorite type of horror film to watch are like psycho thrillers and supernatural ones, but if it's just a ghost, i don't really enjoy it cause they rely too heavily on jumpscares and music. I'm good with gore, just not distorted bodies.
I was actually find with clowns until AHS season 4, I saw the first episode and couldn't go further after the clown with part of its face gone.