Devil's posts
Posted in Wow yes hello
Posted 6 years ago
I'm surprised considering it's been a long time.
How have you been?
I'm surprised considering it's been a long time.
How have you been?

Posted in this is hella cute. hi there.
Posted 6 years ago
Haha thank you thank you <3
Hello~ I worked as an artist for multiple sites :)
Hii! Awwww~ Thank you so much! I highly appreciate it. :)
Hii~ and thank you for the welcome. Hope your weekend goes well as well :)
Thank you :)
Haha thank you thank you <3
Hello~ I worked as an artist for multiple sites :)
Hii! Awwww~ Thank you so much! I highly appreciate it. :)
Hii~ and thank you for the welcome. Hope your weekend goes well as well :)
Thank you :)

Posted in that itch to buy a gaming pc.
Posted 6 years ago
Yeah that's the plan for me.
I guess, I could just save up and be more patient heh.
That is true.
Yeah that's the plan for me.
I guess, I could just save up and be more patient heh.
That is true.

Posted in this is hella cute. hi there.
Posted 6 years ago
Well, I wish you Merry Christmas in advance. :)
-giggles at your sig-
hahah thank you thank you.
Well, I wish you Merry Christmas in advance. :)
-giggles at your sig-
hahah thank you thank you.

Posted in this is hella cute. hi there.
Posted 6 years ago
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. We can change topics if you want.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. We can change topics if you want.

Posted 6 years ago
lots of weaboo stuff
and x's in my old usernames.
It was dreadful looking back at it.
and x's in my old usernames.
It was dreadful looking back at it.

Posted in What are you currently watching?
Posted 6 years ago
Watching Charmed (1998) it was brilliant!
I wasn't a fan of the reboot.
I wasn't a fan of the reboot.

Posted in that itch to buy a gaming pc.
Posted 6 years ago
Hm. Yeah that is true.
Pft, goddamn PC gaming is the most intensive platform out there.
But that comes with a hefty price.
Hm. Yeah that is true.
Pft, goddamn PC gaming is the most intensive platform out there.
But that comes with a hefty price.

Posted in this is hella cute. hi there.
Posted 6 years ago
That is good though. Aaaahhhh I can't believe Christmas is near!
That is good though. Aaaahhhh I can't believe Christmas is near!

Posted in that itch to buy a gaming pc.
Posted 6 years ago
Sigh, yeah I've always been a PC gamer just seem like a huge jump to go from that to PS4 just because it's cheaper. :/
Sigh, yeah I've always been a PC gamer just seem like a huge jump to go from that to PS4 just because it's cheaper. :/

Posted in that itch to buy a gaming pc.
Posted 6 years ago
my gaming laptop is 5 years old and beat up and let me tell ya, girl needs to take a break.
HA! I could barely even play League of Legends on medium settings.
What a first world dillemma...
So, I have been having an itch to buy a gaming pc, at least a second-hand, to cope with my gaming habits but maaaan they are just not within my budget.
So I was considering maybe just going for a ps4 but eh.
I don't know, feels like downgrade really... and all my game copies are all pc games.
I don't know guess the discussion is it worth going for gaming pc or maybe just go ps4?
HA! I could barely even play League of Legends on medium settings.
What a first world dillemma...
So, I have been having an itch to buy a gaming pc, at least a second-hand, to cope with my gaming habits but maaaan they are just not within my budget.
So I was considering maybe just going for a ps4 but eh.
I don't know, feels like downgrade really... and all my game copies are all pc games.
I don't know guess the discussion is it worth going for gaming pc or maybe just go ps4?

Posted in this is hella cute. hi there.
Posted 6 years ago
Aww, that is sweet! I must admit I'm not familiar with the film but I guess by the title alone it's surrounding motherhood?
Aww, that is sweet! I must admit I'm not familiar with the film but I guess by the title alone it's surrounding motherhood?

Posted in Yuck or Yum?
Posted 6 years ago
Y U M!
Cheesecake is a cheesecake imo.
Bubble tea?
Cheesecake is a cheesecake imo.
Bubble tea?

Posted in this is hella cute. hi there.
Posted 6 years ago
yes we shall. -nods-
anyway how are you today?
yes we shall. -nods-
anyway how are you today?