Devilkinboi's posts
Posted in I'm Bewildered
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: Could be it. He's kind of a hermit nowadays.
Here's to hoping!

Posted in closed. lock pls
Posted 5 years ago

@Valefor: More people based. Animals, probably more often when I was a kid.
-high fives- Buddies! xD Oh, I should give you my code when you're on.
No, they cannot. xD The only one who's sorta been able to resist me snooping is the waifu.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Art Gallery
Posted 5 years ago
This one was more of a joke.

Posted in I'm Bewildered
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: No respect for my brother then. xD He showers, but for some reason, he always has this weird funky smell? I don't know what it is.
And I did.

Posted in I'm Bewildered
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: All the important questions.

Posted in I'm Bewildered
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: xD Yay for consistency?

Posted in I'm Bewildered
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: -shrugs- Apparently they do? xD

Posted in I'm Bewildered
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: Same here.

Posted in I'm Bewildered
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: Ugh, like I need a troll.

Posted in I'm Bewildered
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: It just irritates me a little because their profile gives no info on who they are, and their lack of answers doesn't help either. There are a ton of comments from other people he's apparently done the same thing to, asking who they are.

Posted in I'm Bewildered
Posted 5 years ago
This happened on a different avatar site I'm on. About a few weeks back, some person that I had never seen or interacted with commented on my profile. They acted like we were already friends, saying they had a project they were working on that they wanted to show me, but couldn't because it wasn't ready yet before switching to talking about a game they were playing. I stopped replying after that since they refused to answer who they were(also deleted the comments). Now, this morning, they proceeded to message me to ask if I had twin mermaid characters to use for a Mermaid Princess RP guild they have since they were working on a mother mermaid character. I said no and that I wasn't interested. Their answer: "Sorry. Mom and dad had to talk to me for a second." I repeated what I said before to try to get my point across. :/ I don't know how they found me or where they even got the idea that I'd want to roleplay. I haven't roleplayed in YEARS, and I only did so with close friends of mine. And it doesn't leave a good impression when you ask someone who they are and they blatantly refuse to answer.

Posted in closed. lock pls
Posted 5 years ago

@Valefor: Yeah, I'm glad too!
Give me all the pretty art and I'm a happy goober.
If I just get a whiff that something is up, important or not, I'll find out about it one way or another. xD

Posted in closed. lock pls
Posted 5 years ago

@Valefor: I haven't drawn animals in forever, so it surprised me that it came out so well. xD Friend was happy too!
-nods- I'm a sucker for gorgeous art.
Yup. I sniff around too much and boom, I find out their plans.

Posted in closed. lock pls
Posted 5 years ago
@Valefor: Sorry, should have said it was me. xD
Okay, here's Moomoo Baggins:

xD I mean, it's more fun if you experience it for yourself, you know? Lemme know if you do. They added friends, so I can send you energy every day.
It's a bit of a hassle for my friends, because if they wanna surprise me, they have to work extra hard. xD Otherwise I find out.
Okay, here's Moomoo Baggins:

xD I mean, it's more fun if you experience it for yourself, you know? Lemme know if you do. They added friends, so I can send you energy every day.
It's a bit of a hassle for my friends, because if they wanna surprise me, they have to work extra hard. xD Otherwise I find out.