Devilkinboi's posts
Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: Bleh, I feel tired.

Posted in Some People Just Don't Learn
Posted 5 years ago
Around December of last year, I made a thread talking about one of my brothers who got himself into a difficult situation. At the time, mom was helping him out financially by paying for the hotel he was staying at(there was a restraining order against him, so he couldn't be anywhere near his girlfriend or their apartment). While mom was over there, she handled the money aspect. When she returned, she apparently gave him the info for her VISA and American Express cards. "To help him out on anything he needs to pay for". That brother is infamous for stealing from family, whether it's money or things that he can pawn off. We've all had items disappear that we never got back. Anyway, today, she noticed some charges on both cards that she couldn't account for. Asked the brother that lives with us to log into her account to see what they were for. Turns out that the one she gave the card info to was using said cards to pay for video game transactions(most were Nintendo related, there was one for PSN). He did that behind her back and never told her. Mom was absolutely outraged. Everyone in the family knows that he's extremely selfish and only thinks about himself. He's never really had to handle difficult situations per se because someone would always bail him out. It's part of the reason why I keep my distance from him. It's too late to dispute the charges on the cards, so not much that can be done. She wrote a message to him(don't know if she sent it yet) declaring that she will no longer financially assist him in any way, that if he tries anything again, she'll turn him in to the police and that he's dead to her. She feels sorry for his kids having such a selfish, manipulative and irresponsible father. Also told me that if he calls, not to talk to him. Doubt that'll happen, he hasn't called me in years and the last "conversation" we had was on my birthday, which he only sent two texts and never spoke to me again. He's been this way for years.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@milkshake: Sure!
@Bonnie: I'd have to discuss it with my stylist, when I get a chance to.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@milkshake: How much for it?
@Bonnie: Not very. It's about upper neck length, barely.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: Yeah, those are horns, which I already found.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: They don't have ears though.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: I've figured out most of it, just not how I want my hair.

Posted in The Surge: May Crates & Bonus Ohms
Posted 5 years ago

I didn't expect to actually pull a Fabled Beauty, but I got one!

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago
@Bonnie: That's why I was a little sad over the Comic Con being cancelled. Well, there was another reason, but anyway. I had a cosplay idea I wanted to do, a male Indeedee gijinka.

I was really excited about pulling it off, especially since I got a chest binder. I hope I can still do it for next year though.

I was really excited about pulling it off, especially since I got a chest binder. I hope I can still do it for next year though.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: No, you're not, so please don't worry about it making me feel worse.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: The first people I came out to about being trans were my very close friends. They accepted me and had no problem with it at all. That they still get my pronouns mixed up? That's okay, they're trying. My dad still has difficulty, but he didn't have an issue with it at all. The only thing he asked was if I discussed it with my doctor, which I did.
I only came to the realization that I'm trans around late February, early March. I thought I was genderfluid, but after giving it much thought, I realized that wasn't the case. With some birthday money I received, I ordered my first chest binder. When I got it in the mail and tried it on... I was so overjoyed. I had never felt so comfortable in my own skin before, something that I've been struggling with for years. I just can't describe it.
Her reaction just threw me off guard...

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: She is just so frustrating. "I want to know your thoughts, your feelings." I express myself, she just invalidates me, saying she understands when she doesn't. I didn't even ask much of her, just that I'd like if she would try using male pronouns when referring to me, that I didn't expect it to happen immediately. Cue her breaking down in tears about it, that I'm asking too much of her, that it's in her programming. Just acting like I asked her to do something illegal or that goes against her morals. I had a straight face the whole time she was bawling, but as soon as I got to my room, I broke down myself.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: I'm crying despite trying not to. I shouldn't be, but here I am.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: -sigh- Sorry, just...had a bit of a thing with my mom.