Devilkinboi's posts
Posted in Obey Me!
Posted 5 years ago

@Eruca: I tried New Leaf when I was able to pick a free game(when Club Nintendo still existed) and I eventually got really bored. Yes, it's cute and all, but it didn't have much to keep me entertained. I do have friends that are playing New Horizons, but I won't be joining them.

Posted in Kai’s Cabin
Posted 5 years ago

@Cowboy Belphie: Get them volts!

Posted in Obey Me!
Posted 5 years ago

@Eruca: Yes, I do. And I am honestly not interested in Animal Crossing. It's not my kind of game.

Posted in Obey Me!
Posted 5 years ago

@Eruca: I still have to get back into Persona 5. And they're supposedly working on SMT V for the Switch, but I'm not sure at the moment.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: It's why I'm giving them one last chance tonight. If it's just a repeat of before, I'm quitting. I even told them a few weeks back that I may not be available if I had my FFVII Remake copy(I don't yet, but that's a different matter). Cue the bestie chiming in and saying that maybe I can take breaks from it and join them.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: Yeah, they're close friends. Most, I get along with well, especially one on one. Others...not so much. But sometimes when they're all together as a group, I feel like a wallflower. I have interests none of them share, but they're unwilling to join in, and I HAVE to join theirs. It's been a problem for years. My bestie has even lectured me on how I have to try joining in. Much as I love her, it's not fair that I have to put in effort for their things, but no one bothers with mine. And I've mentioned the whole being ignored thing before. Falls on deaf ears every time. :/

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: I don't know. Even in the WhatsApp chat, my messages tend to be ignored. I apologized for being unable to participate in the last session and no one even acknowledged it. It's infuriating.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Art Gallery
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Obey Me!
Posted 5 years ago
@Eruca: Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse. It's on the 3DS. I didn't care much for Lucifer's design in that one, but Satan's won me over. And God is called JHVH in the game, or record scratch, since they explain His name can't be pronounced by mortals or whatever.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: Just finished working on a chibi someone ordered. Don't know what I'll be doing now. Later tonight, group has an online DnD campaign and depending on how it goes, I'm staying or leaving. They've been ignoring my messages and I can barely talk in the voice chat because everyone is always talking, so it's ruining the fun of it for me. Doctor suggested I give them one more chance tonight, so I'm doing that. I'm not feeling hopeful though.

Posted in Kai’s Cabin
Posted 5 years ago

@Cowboy Belphie: e w e Hehe.

Posted in DevilkinBoi's Antiques Store
Posted 5 years ago

@Bonnie: Nah, I don't mind. Whatcha wanna chat about?

Posted in Obey Me!
Posted 5 years ago

@Eruca: xD Oh, I know. It's just that in a different game I played, Lucifer and Satan are different characters...and I may have sorta killed God in that game with Satan on my team.

Posted in Obey Me!
Posted 5 years ago
