Dimples's posts
Posted in Dimples Bump Thread
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Dimples Bump Thread
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Dimples Bump Thread
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Dimples Quest ! ♡
Posted 5 years ago
@Boss Rimi: oh wow, three?! i love almond milk, cows milk doesnt do well in me tummy very well. but able to eat ice cream easily just milk and yogurt dont sit right. booo
i work in an employment aspect of adults with disabilities. we definitely advocate on their behalf if we see or hear they are being mistreated. there are special laws for bullying and harrassment but to the norm, bosses can yell and cuss at you. BUT this has been prolonged and not here and there. his boss has been a jerk for weeks now. i totally understand but i cannot jump in and start doing complaint forms for him. hopefully he does soon because im starting to sound like a broken record.
i was able to take that hawaiian history class because i resided on the big island of hawaii for 8th-11th grade, total of almost six years on the island. beach was the hugest distraction and a hs boyfriend who drove. i missed a lot of school in my sophomore year gah xD
i work in an employment aspect of adults with disabilities. we definitely advocate on their behalf if we see or hear they are being mistreated. there are special laws for bullying and harrassment but to the norm, bosses can yell and cuss at you. BUT this has been prolonged and not here and there. his boss has been a jerk for weeks now. i totally understand but i cannot jump in and start doing complaint forms for him. hopefully he does soon because im starting to sound like a broken record.
i was able to take that hawaiian history class because i resided on the big island of hawaii for 8th-11th grade, total of almost six years on the island. beach was the hugest distraction and a hs boyfriend who drove. i missed a lot of school in my sophomore year gah xD

Posted in Dimples Quest ! ♡
Posted 5 years ago
@Boss Rimi: i love me so oatmeal! and i always need milk xD
i am hoping it doesnt get worse. men butting heads isnt a good thing if being disrespected so many times. but i told him when he does the form to put many examples of what his boss does and not just one thing cause theyre not gonna see the whole picture.
dont ask me why xD i dont remember picking the classes. i could see my dad picking those classes but i dont think he could have. i cannot tell you anything about hawaiian history. i been back to the states since 2011, i can still say my high school name and a few words in hawaiian but i dont remember swat ;n ; it was a fun class though.
i am hoping it doesnt get worse. men butting heads isnt a good thing if being disrespected so many times. but i told him when he does the form to put many examples of what his boss does and not just one thing cause theyre not gonna see the whole picture.
dont ask me why xD i dont remember picking the classes. i could see my dad picking those classes but i dont think he could have. i cannot tell you anything about hawaiian history. i been back to the states since 2011, i can still say my high school name and a few words in hawaiian but i dont remember swat ;n ; it was a fun class though.

Posted in Dimples Quest ! ♡
Posted 5 years ago
@Boss Rimi: ooo whats for breakfast? :3 about to have my third cup of hot cocoa ^^
yeeeah. i hope he puts one in soon before it gets worse cause he picks me up and tells me about it and im like, you NEED to put one in. thats not right.
my freshman year burnt me out. i was taking english honors, hawaiian history honors (that was fun, we went to oahu a couple of times) but very tough class, and geometry honors which was a senior class but downgraded well below my skills. i was like nooo way doing that xD english was my favorite throughout middle school. i was so tired of school after my sophomore year that i passed my ged with flying colors beginning of my junior year.
yeeeah. i hope he puts one in soon before it gets worse cause he picks me up and tells me about it and im like, you NEED to put one in. thats not right.
my freshman year burnt me out. i was taking english honors, hawaiian history honors (that was fun, we went to oahu a couple of times) but very tough class, and geometry honors which was a senior class but downgraded well below my skills. i was like nooo way doing that xD english was my favorite throughout middle school. i was so tired of school after my sophomore year that i passed my ged with flying colors beginning of my junior year.

Posted in Dimples Bump Thread
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Dimples Quest ! ♡
Posted 5 years ago
aw me quest finally made it to page 10!

Posted in Dimples Quest ! ♡
Posted 5 years ago
@Boss Rimi: good morning! how are ya doing? c:
i am hoping he could get some time off maybe at the end of his shift. there is only him and one other detailer for a car dealership. so it is tough to take a day off for him. his boss is going through a nasty divorce and not treating him right. i keep telling him to put in a complaint form cause it seems targetted as the other guy doesnt get any disrespect.
i loved the class at first until we needed to do play-like video of reenactments of books we read. i am a nervous goose and cannot function when cameras or eyes on me. >n < otherwise i enjoyed the reading xD
i am hoping he could get some time off maybe at the end of his shift. there is only him and one other detailer for a car dealership. so it is tough to take a day off for him. his boss is going through a nasty divorce and not treating him right. i keep telling him to put in a complaint form cause it seems targetted as the other guy doesnt get any disrespect.
i loved the class at first until we needed to do play-like video of reenactments of books we read. i am a nervous goose and cannot function when cameras or eyes on me. >n < otherwise i enjoyed the reading xD

Posted in I got a teaser for you guys!
Posted 5 years ago
hm. so i see its the items in shop, their price, and the price for all 35 colors. an option to buy all colors?
lmao thats my only guess xD
lmao thats my only guess xD

Posted in Dimples Bump Thread
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Dimples Bump Thread
Posted 5 years ago
yayayayay made page 25!

Posted in Dimples Bump Thread
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Dimples Bump Thread
Posted 5 years ago