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Posted in Let's hang out, chat, get volts and letters! Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: Ok so good news! I'm going to draw Vincent, but I need some more info. Or, if you just want to give me free reign, cool, but I know you are looking for accuracy, so...
About the hair, short brown an spiky?? And any other drawing suggestions ?
@Totalanimefan: Lol yeah I'm slowly getting deeper into politics and issues
@Totalanimefan: I think you're right , I just don't follow politics.
I'm in good ol Japan
@Totalanimefan: Lol there's a lot...but yeah. I'm in OH, even though currently living abroad . Returning in Aug
Posted in Let's hang out, chat, get volts and letters! Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: Noooooo, I'm super glad i get to work from home!
@PurpdaBurpPurp: Oh ok cool, TY! I won't change it. I need to practice my digital art...
@Totalanimefan: Yeah I know
I never vote, oops...

    wow im awake 4 mins before my alarm

I do this a lot. Except it's usually 10-15min
@Junko7: I see. I never wrote anything for mine. Just drew them
@Junko7: so what do you do with them? Write stories, draw art? I'm curious c:
@Junko7: jeez, howd that happen?? xD I think I acquired like 20 or so at one point?
@Junko7: actually some i the past were given to me, but I tweaked them a bit of course c;
Posted in Let's hang out, chat, get volts and letters! Posted 5 years ago
@Amber Lynne: Yep. cause I stay in a crowded staff room all day with lots of other teachers