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Mhm. Random. I've seen that box of "stuff." Alia fits right in. :vanora_smirk:
When I have volts, I probably will. LOL
I wish to nominate @Apollo Im Burning:

Reminds me of a porcelain doll with a spirit trapped inside. Not too unlike the Asian horror film.
Posted in Everything's fine..Thanks! Posted 7 years ago
@RainbowPanda: Ah, okay. Just don't get in over your head. If you feel bad, don't be afraid to seek someone out in real life. Your parents can help you far more than we can.
As for shaking, you might be scared. You may want to try some deep breathing to help calm your nerves.
When I have my ... pain episodes, I guess you could call them, I start to shake and think irrationally. Makes it worse. If you find your mind racing, focus on breathing.
Posted in Everything's fine..Thanks! Posted 7 years ago
@RainbowPanda: If you feel better after the Pepsi, it may be sugar related? I also have nausea/light-headed issues when I haven't eaten... but I recall you having such issues before.

I would really recommend seeing a doctor. Not because there might be something seriously wrong with you, but just to be safe.
@Saeyra: I haven't really looked at anything League related in a while.

@Slytherclaw: Ah, I see. I don't mind the current changes to Mercy but I definitely prefer her old ultimate.

@ghost: Heh, I wouldn't be surprised. I wouldn't mind you being my eternal roomie though.
Or perhaps you're the guy comin' for my soul?
You get everything you wanted out of the OW event, Slyther?
@Saeyra: I like what you've done with yours, too.
Hi friends. I have not emerged from hibernation yet, but I will soon. Possibly.
Maybe I should buy a few more. Something Christmas themed perhaps?
@RainbowPanda: Ah, understandable I suppose. Going trick-or-treating can be very taxing depending on how far you have to walk, and the costume he was wearing.

@ghost: Haha, it was uneventful. Not even one trick-or-treater. The mask looks really nice, though. I can't wait to use it in an avatar.

@GuttedBunny: Hi there.
Posted in Voltie Selfie Thread Posted 7 years ago
My mug.
@RainbowPanda: Sounds like you had a great time. Awesome! Bit weird that your brother only got to 2 houses though. I hit at least an entire street when I used to trick or treat... eons ago. >.>

@Slytherclaw: Haha, no probs. Thank you.
@RainbowPanda: How was your night out on Halloween? =o

@ghost: The new commons are adorable.

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween. Just wanted to drop by and leave a few messages.

Oh and @Slytherclaw: I saw what you did. LOL